Finally Returned after 4 years!
My husband and I finally got back to Treasure Beach for a week after not being there for four long years - we just came home Sunday. Had an absolutely great time as usual. Met up with a lot of old friends and had a lot of laughs. If anyone goes to TB - head out to Karaoke night at Frenchmens Reef! This was kind of a last minute trip - we went to Costa Rica with some friends and while it was very nice we came home and said we need Treasure Beach and booked. Villa Du Soleil is no longer a rental so we had to find a different spot - stayed up in the hills above the sports park this year and are going to head back again next year. Nice neighborhood up there in Sandy Bank. We rented bikes - only got one flat which was pretty good. There is a lot of building going on which is good, giving a lot of people some jobs and at least so far no all inclusives are planned which makes everyone happy there. Hope all is well with everyone - especially hey_mon and johng!
Re: Finally Returned after 4 years!
Hey Rumghoul,
Awesome to hear that you got back to Treasure Beach, The coolest spot in Jamaica!! Did you not run into hey_mon?? She is there for 3 months and I'm surprised if you didn't bump into her while you were there!!
Sounds like you had a wonderful time!! All the best John
Re: Finally Returned after 4 years!
Hey Rumghoul we were at karaoke last Thursday so we must have seen you guys! Wish I had known you were down and we could have shared a laugh and some drinks! We are down for three months, renting a house just up the lane from Bebes place. Nice home, clean and secure and are officially half way through our stay. Where did you guys stay? How did you like it after staying at Soleil for so long! Lots of building for sure, lots of new properties but prices are high high high!! Even the groceries are not much different than home! Glad you got back, even for a week. Soothes the soul for sure. Cheers and maybe next year we can get together for a drink!
Re: Finally Returned after 4 years!
OMG hey_mon - that is too funny. Must have seen you. We stayed at a place in Sandy Bank above the sports park. Only there for a week - just booked for 2 weeks next year! I agree prices of the new properties are very high but they are all way too big for the two of us too. Great time - got together with lots of old friends. We left Sunday so did not make it to the party at Pardys on Saturday night. Cheers to you - enjoy the rest of your stay.
Re: Finally Returned after 4 years!
Good to hear from you too john!! Hope all is good with you and your family
Re: Finally Returned after 4 years!
I think the hopes for an inexpensive Jamaica vacation is a thing of the past. You can debate or argue all that you want but it is what it is. What still blows me away is that the average Jamaican hasn't seen any benefit from the increases. Their wages are still criminally low. How they can afford to live is the real miracle. $3 or $4 for a red stripe is a lot of money for the "Average Joe". Look at the cost of AI's around the island. Somebody is getting rich but it isn't the bartenders or housekeeping or the landscapers!! But the Jamaicans are so optimistic despite the realities!!