Portland 2016, July 22 – August 7

Pre-reach story…

About a week prior to departure, my granddaughter Mia decided to keep me company while I attempt to pack. Since I would be on the rock for over 2 weeks I needed to take enough clothes so that I wouldn’t have to do laundry. There were major piles all over the bedroom.

Mia cleared a space on my queen-sized bed and nestled in with her iPad. Yeah, a 7 year old owning a device to play games on that cost as much as a RT ticket to Jamaica. When I was seven, the closest thing I had to an iPad was an etch-a-sketch!

“Mom Mom Jamaica?”
“Yes, Mia?”
“Are you moving again?”
“No sweetie, I’m sorting clothes for my trip.”
“You’re taking a lot of clothes and I know why.”
“You do??”
“Yes!” she replied confidently as she swiped her little finger across the iPad screen. “You’re a girl and we girls need to dress up pretty all the time. We feel good when we dress up pretty. But Mom Mom Jamaica, don’t take that dress.” She’s pointing to the bold colored floral frock on top of the “yes" pile.
“Why Mia?”
“It’s ug…it’s not pretty at all. You won’t feel good wearing that.”
“Really? You think it’s ugly??”
“Yes. My mommy wouldn’t wear it. Mom Mom Macaroni wouldn’t wear it. I wouldn’t wear it. Nanny!! Nanny wouldn’t even wear it.”
(Nanny is Mia’s almost 90-years-young great, great Auntie.)
Needless to say, the little 7 year old fashion expert put down the iPad and helped me choose this trip’s attire.

End of pre-reach story.