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Thread: Post trip report

  1. #1

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    Post trip report

    With so many new folks experiencing Negril for the first time this year, we thought we might give a report.

    Negril as our destination since the early 80's, we have seen much change over the years. As expected, we saw the current State of Emergency to have very positive effects overall. A few road blocks on our drive from MoBay (we rent a car each year) but nothing of concern, they know who/what they are looking for. A few 2 or 3 man LE patrols walking the beach during day and night, all delightful folks. The vibe was better than we had felt in recent years and it had no negative effects from what we experienced.

    Driving in Jamaica is not for the timid but it is getting better over the last few years. With the increased police presence now, its better yet but still far from recommended. This year it amounted to a significant waste of money as we spent most of our time beach based and the rental sat static in the parking lot. Some times it works out better for us, some times not.

    Jerk Chicken, Bourbon Beach is as close to the 'Jerk of old' that we could find and even that is tempered down from what it used to be. The pendulum swings both ways, one day we will see another street vendor with his own smoker drum, rise up to the level that made Best of the West a must stop in years past. Now, most are just grilled chicken, at least to us.

    T-Water is now a memory that will be cherished... even as foggy as that is.

    3-Dives, this year we made it a late afternoon, early dinner. Driving the cliffs area is an experience but ahead of the Rick's traffic rush, it was wonderful. Quite time before the evening rush allowed us to just sit and share a red stripe with the staff, a very memorable dinner!

    Our first stay at CoCo, a delightful place with a wonderful staff. In the past we have stayed at the smaller and simpler places like Nirvana (and a few no longer around) but I have to say by the end of the trip, Coco had grown on us a great deal.

    We found little use in exchanging money this year but we did do it for the first half of our visit. Everything is based on the US dollar, paying with J had little positive effects that I could see for us.

    Most are now adding a 10% gratuity charge and another 10% tax charge to any bar order at the larger establishments. There is a "cost" to sitting at their bar, but it is a cost we save for each year and it didn't push us away in the least. Same great dear friends we long to see again each year, Georgia, Clive, Delroy, Yovan, Negril can still be done on a tighter budget but it isn't near as easy as in years past.

    We met so many new friends this year, simply terrific folks who we now look forward to seeing again next year... same time, same place... Negril!

  2. #2

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    Re: Post trip report

    Couldn't have said it better daveh..my 25th year & currently 2 weeks into my 6 week stay always in the cliffs & rent a motorcycle to move around.. already looking forward to next year and I haven't even left yet. The American and Canadian security warning not to come here is unfortunate for the tourism industry in Jamaica ..blown way out of proportion... I live in the nw suburbs of Chicago and I'd be more worried in Chicago than I would be anywhere here in Jamaica. . As its been said on this board use common sense.

  3. #3

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    Re: Post trip report

    i second and third that. Daveh and Rooster. been coming since early 90s . was in negril after christmas into mid jan,
    the vibes were awesome i thought. Its definitly keeping up with the times. better roads / ganja is legal / pizza/ prices are US comparable/
    alot of the old places that we all know have made improvements for the most part. some original (mi yard, Arthurs, Red Dragon etc) love that!
    Not sure whats up with the Jerk Chicken . Bourbon was the best i had. But far from DaBus original !! just maybe cause i ate there twice a week when younger lol.
    Common sense is always key, and Respect goes along ways

    One Love

  4. #4

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    Re: Post trip report

    I too was somewhat frustrated on how the security warnings were presented by the two countries as I have always felt the showing of strength and presence is actually comforting. The late evening beach patrols were taking no guff yet never failed to return a smile and nod when passing them, even had a nice conversation with one of the day patrols taking a break from the sun at White Sands. Overly aggressive drivers in MoBay were no longer being ignored. Jamaica will always be a place that requires common sense to be used but we saw a positive return to the efforts currently being made.

    Rags is now cooking at the old Vinies Cycle Shop just a hundred yards up the road from Best of the West. We were hopeful that we would find our old Jerk there but alas, as good as it was, it wasn't DaBus level. He has put together a nice place with an 'Americanized' service level. Folks new to Negril were still amassed at what Rags was offering up but for the old timers with well established taste memory, nope. It will take some searching to find another up and coming street vendor who is trying to make a name for themselves, they are there, the quest continues....

  5. #5

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    Re: Post trip report

    Great report! Stayed at Coco two years ago and loved it.



  6. #6

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    Re: Post trip report

    Great report, Coco is on my short list of places to try. I agree with a lot of your points, the only reason I change over money is so I don't get picked off with the pay U.S.D. and recieve JA which can add up over a week of eating and drinking. I really agree about the Bourbon Beach Jerk, it is my favorite. We used to stop at Best in the West, but I believe it has lost its zing. Also, on our last trip the waitress gave us such a hard sell trying to sell us a day pass to The Royalton that it literally ruined our meal. She pulled up a chair while we were eating and wouldn't let it go even after several firm "no thanks." She kept asking for $160 in cash, or as she stated "credit card preferred".

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