Home brewer, stopped by Country Country to pick up something at front desk.
The photo of the blond bartender is stunning!! Boy what a pretty lady!!
I agree. Her smile is captivating!
Busy day yesterday!
Ashley drove Rob and I up to Red Dragon. Pork gone by 1pm! Rob called Gordo in advance to hold some Pork, but it was gone by 1pm!
Met Monty, Mello, Mike and Karen at Ref Dragon. Great to meet them and chat. M&M were the boardies that made the T-shirts I Love Negril during COVID. It was an excellent idea to raise money.
Wandered down to Collete’s after Red Dragon. Good times. Nice to see her and Shamir.
Headed to Rocky’s for a cold one. Ended up standing in line at Scotia FOREVER!!! Then when I finally get inside, the machine is only dispensing limited amounts!!
By this time I needed something to eat. Headed up the West End road. Picked up some patty’s to hold me to dinner time.
A few stops past the light house. Sunset Walk?
The further out to Marvin’s place. He wasn’t open yet. Back to the previous place and just caught the sunset.
Later, had a steak dinner at Seastar and early to bed.
Jam, thanks for the photo.
Decided to chill for the last two days. Pushed hard the first 10 days and needed to simmer down for a bit.
Headed to Canoe this afternoon.
Good rain yesterday afternoon, much needed.
All good at Seastar,
Thanks for the, as always, fantastic trip report. Great pics and great details. I can also relate to having to take a day here or there to recover. Missing Negril and Jamaica.