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Thread: Not Negril related, but I am allowed to post this!

  1. #1

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    Not Negril related, but I am allowed to post this!

    And no, it has nothing to do with the Buckeyes and the Irish playing for the College Championship. This has to do with an extremely dedicated man who has been keeping millions entertained with his podcasts. I am personally addicted to his Retro Radio episodes. Most were recorded from 1930 to 1950, so hearing the ads and even vocabulary evolving from pre-WWII, then the war years and then post WWII is a history lesson! And finding out that more doctors recommend Camels is a real throwback.

    Darren Marlar is the creator of this particular podcast, of which he has many different "channels". He has various, sci fi, horror, mystery, paranormal and B-movie channels.

    In addition to letting all of you know about the incredible labor of love Darren is doing, several times a month he has a "live webcast and chat" just as we did for 20 years, that many of you still miss. Mr. Marlar has a "Weirdo Watch Party" live on January 18th - https://weirddarkness.com/watchparty - and on January 25th he'll be telling stories of ordinary objects tied to the paranormal, like a trumpet, shackles, and even a simple camera. If you love ghostly tales and eerie history, you won't want to miss the LiveScream this month - https://weirddarkness.com/livescream/

    The Weirdo Watch Party and LiveScream are always FREE to watch, just tune in at showtime and watch the movie with him Weird Darkness host Darren Marlar and other Weirdo family members and even join the chat on during the film for more fun just like you did during our live webcasts from Negril!

    Darren has been becoming like family to me, and there is even a method to his madness. He is dedicated to help those with depression and related mental health issues. Each October he runs a fundraiser - https://weirddarkness.com/hope/

    Darren didn't ask nor does he know I posted this. But if any of this sounds interesting to you like the retro radio did to me, please feel free to join. I listen to it on Spotify, to join the live webcasts and chats, you need to use the links I posted.

    I do have to say I now know why our webcasts were so much fun - its fun being on your end for a change!

    Thanks to all of you for your past support and hopefully support future support for Darren and family!

    Hope to see you at one of the live events!
    Negril.com - For the vacation that never ends!

  2. #2

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    Re: Not Negril related, but I am allowed to post this!


    Thanks for the post!
    Funny how you finally get to see our perspective regarding the Webcasts!!!!
    Maybe an occasional retro Webcast to keep us Webcast Junkie's happy??????

    Now that you have so much time on your hands, maybe you can get back to work on the Transporter you have been promising for decades????


    VVHT aka Happy

  3. #3

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    Re: Not Negril related, but I am allowed to post this!

    Quote Originally Posted by VVHT View Post

    Thanks for the post!
    Funny how you finally get to see our perspective regarding the Webcasts!!!!
    Maybe an occasional retro Webcast to keep us Webcast Junkie's happy??????

    Now that you have so much time on your hands, maybe you can get back to work on the Transporter you have been promising for decades????


    VVHT aka Happy
    We have already teleported information (data), but nothing physical yet. That could happen relatively soon.
    Negril.com - For the vacation that never ends!

  4. #4

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    Re: Not Negril related, but I am allowed to post this!

    I just checked the link for the webcast and chat tonight and although the countdown timer is 9 days off, a social media page has this posted:

    Weird Darkness
    1 hr ago

    Weirdo Watch Party TONIGHT! https://weirddarkness.com/watchparty/
    Join us for FREE starting at 9pm CT to watch the Roger Corman flop, "War of the Satellites" from 1958! Watch the movie with us, join the live chat if you wish, and I'll even be giving away a free t-shirt during the party!

    I watched the trailer, and this looks like a midnight movie, something that would play before Rocky Horror. This is the original B&W version, not the colorized one. Why they would colorize it is beyond my understanding.

    Hope to see you there!
    Negril.com - For the vacation that never ends!

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