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Thread: You decide where to eat doll, So we ended up at 3-Dives

  1. #1

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    You decide where to eat doll, So we ended up at 3-Dives

    Ok Mark, be nice. Let her decide this time.
    I posed the question to her.
    Her eyes lit up!
    "Rock house!" she said.
    I could swear I saw dollar signs in her eyes.
    "Good grief Charlie brown",
    she would name one of the most expensive places on the West End.
    Sure Doll, I'll pick you up around 6, Bye bye.
    Man o man.
    I checked the vault and saw that I was running low on funds.
    Hmmm, well, I did say "you decide".

    Should not be a problem.
    Just one more day and I fly home anyway.
    Might as well spend the J dollars I have left.
    Tomorrow I will chill anyway.
    So I showered again, and slapped on some High Karate, looked in the mirror.

    "You look Marvelous" (Fernando Lamas speaking)

    I stuffed the bills in my pocket and walked out to the road.
    Hmmm, a motor bike dude should be coming around the corner anytime now.
    Sure enough, here he came.
    I hopped on the bike and headed down to the road.
    He had one of those bikes that have an extension metal rack
    that sticks out about 6 inches further than the end of the seat.

    As I got off, I forgot about the extension piece.

    My right foot hit it, and with my weight already moving to get off
    I felt the gravity start to pull me down.
    Luckily I had not "done" or drunk anything yet.
    I quickly shot out my right hand and grabbed at the driver.
    Caught him by the upper forearm/elbow are .
    He knew what was happening..
    "Easy Mon", he said.
    Of course this had to have happened to other folks before.

    Man, funny...even though I was barely 4 feet off the ground I felt like I was falling really fast.

    I held on to him just just long enough to get my foot clear of his bike.
    Gave him his fare and he scooted off.
    Whew! Man!
    I must watch myself closer when getting off a bike.
    Some folks use the foot peddle to stand up on, and swing over,
    but I usually just put my left foot on the ground and swing my right over.

    Any way.
    I went over to the beach and grabbed a cold one. or Two.
    I knew I had about 1 hour before our meet.

    Mon... you smell good!
    Cutie pie Tracy is always giving me compliments.
    Who's the lucky lady?
    "uh, you don't know her"
    (never kiss and tell)

    She laughed and laughed.

    It was about that time,
    so I headed out to the road and was about to flag down the next passing Red Plate
    when one of my regular "private" drivers waved me over.
    No Mon, I said, just going to the Taxi park.
    C'mon mon, I'll drive you for the cheap. I'm going that way.
    So, I got a ride for free.
    Cool, more for the meal at Rockhouse.

    I was meeting her in the Taxi park.
    She was late of course, but she called and said she was just leaving the beauty shop.

    So I chilled.

    Interesting to pass time in the taxi park.
    So much going on, folks scrambling, drivers hollering out routes, wheeling and dealing
    to get fares. Not wanting to leave until the car was full.
    Sometimes it's not full, but the driver will start heading out, shouting out their route.

    (To be continued).
    Last edited by Markospoon; 02-08-2016 at 01:27 PM.

  2. #2

    User Info Menu

    Re: You decide where to eat doll, So we ended up at 3-Dives

    please continue~~
    "I'll love you till the stars fall out of the sky "


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