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Thread: Canadian killed on westend friday night.

  1. #81

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    Re: Canadian killed on westend friday night.

    Hope I did this correctly. From yesterday's paper. Comments are as interesting as the article.

  2. #82

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    Re: Canadian killed on westend friday night.

    My sincere condolences go out to the entire Palakai family, their community and Canada!!!

    Very Sad seeing the wheels falling off everywhere. Be it Jamaica or USA..... I remember a long time ago (70's-80's) where simply possessing a bullet in Jamaica led to the infamous Gun Court in Kingston and a possible Life Sentence. Back then there were guns but usually in the hands of the political parties and the violence happening around election time.

    Johnny Cash the singer and songwriter was a long time Jamaican and bought an Estate near MoBay. The information that I have read is that in the early 80's there was a robbery at his house at Cinnamon Hill (his estate house). The three supposed robbers were apprehended by the authorities and reportedly died in police custody.


    Robbery and murder for whatever reason is not new to JA but the difference being that since 1976 so many more guns and ammo have been smuggled onto the island that so many people become "Bad Man".

    If you really love Jamaica take a moment to study the history there since the country's Independence from England in 1962.




    The business of trading drugs for guns is nothing new but until the late 70's it was only Ganja that was "The Problem". As soon as Cocaine and Crack got established on the island so did the inflow of guns.

    For whatever reason Andre Palakai was murdered in Negril the fact is that humanity has truly lost its way. I have traveled to JA since 1975 probably 40 trips or so and I had booked a flight to fly from NYC to Kingston in May which I subsequently cancelled because the manners worldwide have become too heavy to deal with.

    Insanity seems to be the norm more so now than I can ever remember in my lifetime, I would love to visit Jamaica again but for me the timing isn't right.

    God Bless Jamaica and everyone on earth that rationality can be achieved before we totally destroy ourselves.

    One Love

  3. #83

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    Re: Canadian killed on westend friday night.

    Quote Originally Posted by johng View Post
    My sincere condolences go out to the entire Palakai family, their community and Canada!!! (And the good people of Negril!)

    God Bless Jamaica and everyone on earth that rationality can be achieved before we totally destroy ourselves.

    One Love
    this says it all....

  4. #84

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  5. #85

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    Re: Canadian killed on westend friday night.

    The Gleaner article linked by slimjim is interesting. Strange but interesting. I was first notified about this tragedy about 10pm on Friday night. That was when all the various different accounts started. It seems the Gleaner has spoken with and reported from some similar sources that I first spoke with on Friday night. I wonder who reported to them "It follows the early morning attack on a group of Canadian visitors along the West End road on Saturday that left one man dead."

    I have never known 9pm Friday to be early morning Saturday. A 3am time Saturday was originally "reported" erroneously by a different news source. The fact checker at the Gleaner missed this one. And this is the first time I have heard in any version of the shooting that "It’s reported that while the three visitors were walking along the roadway, two sets of motorcyclists with pillions rode up."

    The Gleaner does not state who "reported" this, just that "It''s reported". This has been an ongoing problem with all the varying stories that are being spread, even by new sources.

    The Observer seems to be the most accurate thus far, actually revealing the sources of their information. This helps to add solid facts to the articles and not hearsay as the Gleaner has obviously "reported" with their Saturday morning statement.

    Along those lines, I would like to set the record straight on a few comments made here. It was not the Commish who was quoted in print that there was no robbery attempt. The actual quote from the Observer is “Absolutely no effort was made to rob them,” a senior investigator close to the probe told the Jamaica Observer yesterday" (Sunday). Even a preliminary investigation would include speaking with the other two visitors involved in this tragic event, so the above quote is not hearsay, but an emphatic statement of fact. I posted the link to the entire article so you can read the full article to understand what had taken place up to that point.

    And after reading the Gleaner article from yesterday, I am not surprised Marko talked with a police officer on Saturday morning who insinuated it was a robbery. The officer was just doing the best they could, going with what they had heard and tried to decipher the most likely scenario from all the stories as they had heard them. But the above quote was made by a senior investigator, who had at least an extra 24 hours to determine the fact they stated. The officer on Saturday morning did not have the luxury of access to that additional 24 hours of investigative information. The officer was stating what they heard up to that point to the best of their ability.

    It takes time for any investigation to arrive at a conclusion and then more time for the news media to accurately report this conclusion. We encourage those who feel the need to express their concerns and feelings here, but we ask all to please refrain from adding speculation and rumor to this tragic event. We should respect the victim, his family and friends and wait for the facts to come out.

    Thank you.
    Negril.com - For the vacation that never ends!

  6. #86

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    Re: Canadian killed on westend friday night.

    Quote Originally Posted by Rob View Post

    Along those lines, I would like to set the record straight on a few comments made here. It was not the Commish who was quoted in print that there was no robbery attempt. The actual quote from the Observer is “Absolutely no effort was made to rob them,” a senior investigator close to the probe told the Jamaica Observer yesterday" (Sunday). Even a preliminary investigation would include speaking with the other two visitors involved in this tragic event, so the above quote is not hearsay, but an emphatic statement of fact. I posted the link to the entire article so you can read the full article to understand what had taken place up to that point.

    Thank you.
    Mistake on my part. It was the senior investigator who was quoted not the commish.



  7. #87

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    Re: Canadian killed on westend friday night.

    5 shootings here in Columbus, Ohio this past weekend. I'm not moving. And as the Arnold says " I"ll be back." to Negril..

  8. #88

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    Re: Canadian killed on westend friday night.

    everyone here, in Negril, is trying to protect the economic back bone of this area for sure. I am here like Marko and hear many stories from many diff people. But all locals agree this is very bad for all their business and not part of what usually happens here. The 2 Mil will hopefully bring about info from locals to try to get these thugs. There are other rumors that make it a little worse than just a purse snatching gone bad but will wait to hear the official word from the police? I am here with my family and young kids and have not left. I have loved this place for over 25 years. I plan to spend the day bar hopping on west end today without worry.
    Ladies do not carry a purse and if confronted give it up quick!!! peace and love from Jamaica

  9. #89

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    Re: Canadian killed on westend friday night.

    Quote Originally Posted by jojo p View Post
    this sickens me, but doesn't surprise me, when I was there in April I saw no police presence, or very little. Also noticed very few of the beach security officers that wear the hats. If tourist
    are noticing this, so are the bad men !
    Negril busy season is short already, things like this keep happening, places like Cuba, will become an attractive alternative, as it's low in crime, and the U.S. are starting regular commercial flights in the fall.
    I love Jamaica, theres no other place you can really compare it to, but something better be done , the way those bikes are driven, crazy, fast, and makes for a quick getaway, almost making
    it impossible to catch these people. Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe a big majority of the crimes this past couple of years have involved bikes
    JO JO had a conversation with the authorities on yesterday and they really really are putting the pressure on the bike thing. They had taken some 20 or so the day I talked to them. They pretty much keep the pressure on at the pretty church right in the bend where the West end begins right past the Hi Lo... However , the bike guys spread the word pretty fast as to where these check points are set up an take another route. Still I have to speak up and say the officers really have worked hard on this point.

  10. #90

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    Re: Canadian killed on westend friday night.

    Quote Originally Posted by chrispy View Post
    everyone here, in negril, is trying to protect the economic back bone of this area for sure. I am here like marko and hear many stories from many diff people. But all locals agree this is very bad for all their business and not part of what usually happens here. The 2 mil will hopefully bring about info from locals to try to get these thugs. There are other rumors that make it a little worse than just a purse snatching gone bad but will wait to hear the official word from the police? I am here with my family and young kids and have not left. I have loved this place for over 25 years. I plan to spend the day bar hopping on west end today without worry.
    Ladies do not carry a purse and if confronted give it up quick!!! Peace and love from jamaica
    excellent advice

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