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Thread: **on-site Trip Report [[ Wednesday evening 12/18 ]]

  1. #1

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    **on-site Trip Report [[ Wednesday evening 12/18 ]]

    Hi, you-all..!!..

    question:::>> have you EVER been so happy AND contented that you can't talk .... you can't breath .... you can't explain your *condition* to any-bodys...??...

    * whew *

    that's how i'm feeling right NOW..!!..

    being back on-island after 2-1/2 years absence is akin to waking up from a "..I'm in-foreign.." nightmare, to suddenly awaken to the "..real world.." reality.

    here in Lucea and in-country NOTHING (of importance) has changed ----- NOT ONE cotton-picken' thing has changed. Tru-tru there's this & that that's gone, moved, died, gone-foreign, closed-down, but for the most-part all the same as i left it in Fall-2011.

    oh... before i continue:::

    Weather:::>> 'tis GREAT..!!..
    especially in the shade
    'cause sun hot

    today --- overcast-ed
    rain tried (so far) to fall
    but nothing come down

    temperature::: Fantastic..!!..
    what's the temp where you-all at right now...??..


    forgive me for laughing

    i purchased a new pair of nice light-weight water boots. Cost::::>> Ja$1,359.96

    got 'em from Ms.Trench's hardware store (formerly aka-Mr.Brown).

    In old post i told you about Ms.Trench (and her shop)
    i'll tell you some *new* stuff a a later posting.

    these water boots feel sooooooooooo nice pon mi feet, right now, as we *speak* .... WILL probably wear 'em all-the-time, from now until.

    [[ continue-ing in a couple minutes
    gotta go smoke a CravenA

    oh oh oh
    oooooooooooooh:::>> price-wise, these CravenA's MUCH cheaper than my-brand Winstons (in-foreign). So, I can *afford* to smoke more, na tru.

    more about the cigarrets later

    soon come back
    be hapPpy

  2. #2

    User Info Menu

    Re: **on-site Trip Report [[ Wednesday evening 12/18 ]]

    You get black water boots.....?

    Them get ras***t hot in the sun
    Linston's Zion Hill Taxi

    Captain Dave

  3. #3

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    Re: **on-site Trip Report [[ Wednesday evening 12/18 ]]

    [[ continue-ing ]]

    i promised i was gonna do betta with my postings starting-today, but it ain't gonna happen


    *stuff* happen-ed today

    i had a *plan* but it got mashed-UP..!!..

    1....VerandaH gravity set-in.... didn't wanna leave the *yard*

    was 'spose to be IN Lucea etc by 9AM --- didn't arrive til FOUR-o'clock

    long story
    more on that later

    but i did do my "..one-thing.." for the day.

    'member me tell-you:::>> plan to do ONE thing while in Jamaica ----


    soon gonna close the internet place.
    gotta type fast

    WILL do-betta with postings starting Thursday.


    I didn't pack nuff shoes for this trip.... would add too much weight to my bags.

    i pop-in to see the local shoe repair man.... he happy to see me.

    He'll have some second-hand shoes for me to look at & buy.

    not nuff shoes problem:::>> SOLVED..!!..

    2....Been spending the entire day munch-ing on all kinds of goodies --- a NICE sweet-potatoe pudding cake thing-y ..... 4-GOOD grizzardas .... 4-5 fresh from tree in-yard bananas ....

    3... Taking in the eye-candy..!!.. --- * sigh * .... these too-pretty Jamaican women are sooooooooooooooooo distracting. EVERY-time i'm going this place or that place to do whatever, then *BOOM* ----- 'tis another pretty-one.

    * sigh *

    oh::::>> i delivered the prunes, raisens, currants, marachino cherries ---- I begged my mentor to give me cooking/baking lessons....

    she-SAY:::>> ".. .of course..."


    4....No longer a batchelor-pad in-country ---- landlord has a new girlfriend.
    we got *company*


    MORE about THIS in a later post.

    she nice

    forgive me for the meager posting today

    dem JUST said:::>> "..CLOSING in two minutes.."

    have a good night, folks
    chat witcha on Thursday

    GUARANTEED........ WITH pics AND at least one video

    be hapPpy

  4. #4

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    Re: **on-site Trip Report [[ Wednesday evening 12/18 ]]

    Love the reports!

  5. #5

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    Re: **on-site Trip Report [[ Wednesday evening 12/18 ]]

    Whoot! A Smith onsite report!

  6. #6

    User Info Menu

    Re: **on-site Trip Report [[ Wednesday evening 12/18 ]]

    Luv it.. And luv to see ya reporting Smith.. Welcome home. Mi see ya been there awhile now.. Hope u gonna be around awhile longer.. Soon come

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