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Thread: Mr and Mrs Sandman go to Port Antonio

  1. #31

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    Re: Mr and Mrs Sandman go to Port Antonio

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  2. #32

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    Re: Mr and Mrs Sandman go to Port Antonio

    Name:  Jamaica 2013 159.jpg
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  3. #33

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    Re: Mr and Mrs Sandman go to Port Antonio

    Name:  Jamaica 2013 166.jpg
Views: 497
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  4. #34

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    Re: Mr and Mrs Sandman go to Port Antonio

    Great trip report, fantastic pics, thanks for sharing! You two look very very happy

  5. #35

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    Re: Mr and Mrs Sandman go to Port Antonio

    You both are such a lovely couple and I can see that you are having a wonderful time! I've been following your report, too, on the other board but now I get to see pictures. They are all so beautiful and I love your happy smiles! Happy New Year to you both and many blessings~

  6. #36

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    Re: Mr and Mrs Sandman go to Port Antonio

    1/1/2014, 3:48 pm

    The morning started a little different than most, the sun was shining brightly as we walked downtown from the hotel to get our morning take out coffees.. We had planned on making the longish drive to Reach Falls but I considered talking my wife into heading to the beach instead, it looked like a beautiful sunny day ahead. But in the end we hit the highway and headed south down the coast, the furthest we have driven out of Port Antonio since our arrival. As we passed the Boston jerk centre we made plans to stop on the way back. There is a guy there, Mikey, that makes jerk chicken sausage, and let me tell you, it is deeeelicious. I haven't seen it like that anywhere before, no casing just meat, spices and onions (we asked). After passing Boston and approaching Long Bay the highway hugs the cliffs for some great viewing of the sea, you can see the huge beach well before you get there. The waves roared in and it doesn't look very swimmer friendly, but the beach is really nice. We stopped and walked for a bit, despite the bright day there was really nobody there. On another day we might have dug in but we were so close to Reach now we got in the car and kept going, soon coming to the turn that takes you up to the higher elevation where the falls are. From our hotel to where we parked was 37kms, not far in distance but at the speed I drive, about an hour including the one stop. Just as you get to the final entrance to the falls there's a couple guys standing there ready to assist us. One guy (Byron) tells us the official place is closed today (Monday) but he can take us in the "back" way, and assured us it would be well worth it. I had read about people going in like this and that it was actually the best experience. Byron wanted 2000J for the 2 of us, but we settled on 1500. He showed me where to park and we were on our way. It had rained overnight and the trail leading to the starting point was really slippery, but Byron took his time and it was obvious from the start he knew what he was doing, and he wanted to make it an enjoyable tour. When we reached the water he showed us the safest spot to get in (if we wanted to get in). Well that's why we came, and as much as it hurt, I stripped to my swim shorts and waddled in. It was pretty chilly at first, I hate cold water, but after a minute it was fine. I think it was the first or second pool where there was a small undercut where a set of falls came down. You could duck thru and stand up to see the water rushing in front. Pretty neat. We continued making our way up, Byron leading the way in places we weren't actualy swimming. He stayed out of the pools, carrying our clothing and camera (when I wasn't carrying it). It was like he had suction cups on his bare feet watching him walking with precision in exactly the right spots, and making sure we were good to go. It really wasn't slippery in our sandals but some places the current is really strong making it a little challenging to keep your balance. He showed us a couple safe places where we could do some mini cliff jumps. Eventually we got to the main falls, there was a security guard there I guess to keep people out but as soon as he saw Byron he conveniently disappeared. At the main falls there is a cave you can enter by plowing your way thru the water in one spot. It was a little scary but once inside you could see it was a large space. I still have to download the pictures but I think I have plenty of good ones. We were never ever rushed, spent lots of time wading in the cool clear water. The way out was another short climb up a trail but it was in better shape plus its easier to go up than down. On the walk back to the car we learned Byron lived just down the road with his family. He made an excellent guide and I told him I would mention his name on the internet, which he was thankful for, he also gave us his phone number to post. I learned one thing, if you are going to go to Reach falls, you want to go when they are closed (Monday,tuesday). The experience from the tour we got is better than YS and Dunns hands down. I think if you go when they are open all you get is the main pool, which is pretty nice itself but there is so much more to Reach than that.
    When we reached the car I offered Byron a beer which he accepted. I joked with him, apoligizing because they were ice cold. I also gave him 2000J for the guiding even though we agreed on 1500, he was worth it Just as we were taking down his phone number a small van pulled up. Well Byron sprung into action and was at the passenger front window like a cat. The vanload was a little apprehensive, we could see from where we were, but then Byron pointed to us and I gave the big thumbs up. They still seemed unconvinced so I walked up and told the van full Byron would take care of them and give them a great tour. Eventually they had it figured that he was legit and we weren't a couple of whitey scammers lol. We said our good byes just as an older lady came walking up to us. She had a stack of coconuts and wanted to give us a chopped one for the water inside. I don't like coconut water but Rosie accepted. The lady just had to walk up the trail to get her machete. She comes back and chops one open. Even though she offered it for free we gave her 100J, which she really didn't want, but we insisted. We learned Byron was her nephew, and a minute later 2 young boys came down the road with a large load of 5 gallon water pails that they had jus filled. They were he grandchildren. It was funny when one of the kids says, I beg yeh for some coconut, but Grams shut him down fast. Every person we talked to there was extremely polite and friendly, this a a place I would send anyone looking for a true Jamaican experience.
    On the drive back we stopped at the jerk centre as planned. We purchased food from 3 different spots. A plate of pork from David, it was really good, absolutely no fat , a lb of chicken sausage from Mikey, plus some festival from another place, can't remember the name. We quickly demolished the pork, and stopped at a pull out close to Monkey island to stand outside and enjoy the delicious sausage. Yesterday we ended making the drive back to Boston just to buy a pound and a half of chicken sausage, its that good.
    The day ended like most, relaxing on our rooftop lounge enoying cocomania, and a nice spliff of the local vegetation. Did I say we liked the chicken sausage?? Oh ya, we bought a bottle of the boston jerk seasoning. Not cheap, 800J for a small bottle. But its good, and they didn't have any plans on negotiating on the price. Will probably buy another bottle when we go back there.
    I forgot to mention, I typed the above report whilst lying on the beach at frenchmans cove, baking myself in todays sun. They have free wifi here and it works good. I like it here, beach is a good size with great service to match. Waves are really big today, no snorkeling for sure.
    And one more thing. At Boston we also bought abig bottle of beet root juice. I didn't even want the free sample but after forcing it down I realized it is quite tasty.

  7. #37

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    Re: Mr and Mrs Sandman go to Port Antonio

    Sounds like you had a great day! I've never had jerk chicken sausage but it sounds good.

  8. #38

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    Re: Mr and Mrs Sandman go to Port Antonio

    I swear I'm gonna go to PA one day. Great report, thanks for taking the time to share your experience and your awesome pics
    Stir IT UP

  9. #39

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    Re: Mr and Mrs Sandman go to Port Antonio

    Great report! And I am with you on the jerk sausage! That in itself is worth the trip to Port Antonio! We stayed at Boston Beach a few years ago, in part to try what we always heard was the best jerk on the island. The chicken was good, but plenty of places in Negril were comparable. For pork, I think Red Dragon was better than anywhere in Boston Beach. But the sausage, oh the sausage! So damn good. We had both chicken and pork sausage, and both were among the most delicious meals of my life. Getting hungry, and jealous, just thinking about it!

  10. #40

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    Re: Mr and Mrs Sandman go to Port Antonio

    I first want to say I almost quit writing after reading about the murder of that Ontario woman, makes me sick reading those stories time after time.
    Our Blue Lagoon day turned out to be a perfect day, although it never had much to do with the lagoon. Upon our arrival in the parking lot we were approached by a few guys, we were looking for a certain individual which we found, although I won't mention his name or recommend him as he wasn't much more than a money collector. I told him we hoped to rent a kayak and go out on our own. He replied that there were no kayaks to rent there, only boat rides or bamboo rafts. I asked him how much and he quotes me 80US for rafting. I laughed and told him I'm not paying that much for a ride of any kind. So then we could be taken out on a boat for 60. Once again, that's more than I will spend. Eventually we settled on 40, all the while not really being sure what that will get us. So we walk up the rest of the way past a few vendors (who ignored us), and the first thing I see at the "dock" is a blue kayak, and a guy sitting there with an oar. I was a little pissed but decided I never felt like putting on a scene. Rasta talks to another guy (who actually owns and operates the boat we will use), we jump in with our stuff. At least its just wife and I, and the captain was actually pretty good, he putted along slowly and seemed to have a pretty good knowledge of all the buildings and villas along the shore towards San San beach, and beyond. After about cruising around we were dropped at Monkey Island with an agreement to pick us up in about 90 minutes. There's not much room there as its just a tiny spot of dry sand, but close to shore its very shallow so you can plop yourself in and relax, which we did. After getting overheated in the glaring sun we donned our snorkel gear and headed out towards the reef off san san beach. The first part was a little scary, its very shallow and the sea floor is littered with urchins. I found myself sucking in a few times trying not to drag my gut over the spiny balls of pain. As the water got deeper is was nicer. The water at the reef is really deep in some spots, a guy could scuba there. Saw lots of fish, nothing too exciting though. Eventually we made our way back, once again making doing the spiny urchin gauntlet. After we packed up our snorkel gear another boat pulled up, 2 men, 2 women, whities, and a Jamaican. Didn't take long before we were all sitting around in a little group and we were long lost best friends. The 2 couples lived in Washington DC. They were staying at a villa near PA and the Jamaican was their chef for their week at the villa (and tour guide). We had actually seen them at Reach Falls the day before (I recognised the Jamaican easily with his blond Mohawk) but never talked to them. We had a great time yapping away, and we made plans to meet up later that night at Anna Banana, where there was a band playing (new years). Around the time we ran out of drinks our boat returned (different one, but rasta was in it looking for us). We did another slow putt putt back to the lagoon, did a long loop around it. We were offered the chance to jump in but I passed, it was a bit cold and I had just dried off. We paid our 40, no tip for the first time this trip, and walked back to the car, where another guy proudly came up to me to let me know how he guarded my car and that I could pay him. Well he got 100J, didn't ask if that was enough LOL.
    As for the blue lagoon, its nice but I wouldn't go back, there's really nothing to see. The old bar and restaurant is falling down, wrecked from a hurricane. Sounds like it is supposed to be restored but we all know how that goes in Jamaica. The highlight was meeting our new friends, Adrien, Bryan,(Americans), Regina, Heinz (Austrians living in US), and Timothy, the chef who apparently cooked for Tom Cruise (could be BS, who knows).
    That evening we met up with all of them at Anna Bananas and shared some fun together. Adrian and Regina were plenty inebriated and had no problem taking over the drums at one point. By 200 AM I was getting pretty tired and be made our way home to hotel. There was a huge party going on in the town square but I had had enough fun for the day. Getting up at 9 the next morning was a lot less fun.

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