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Thread: JuicyJ's on the beach

  1. #1

    User Info Menu

    JuicyJ's on the beach

    Juicy J's now has a bar/restaurant on the beach near the palms resort along the road.

    Normally I don't post much but I have been going to Negril over the past 20 years and I have been following threads talking about various bars and restaurants in the Negril area which have been helpful in deciding where to eat when I visit. I recently returned from Negril from a two week vacation and discovered that a new Juicy J's has opened on the beach. They use to be only located in town.

    I don't know who is doing the cooking there but it was the best food I have ever tasted from any other establishment without exception. No matter what you order from the curried goat to the fried chicken it is amazingly good and very cheap.

    The decor is rustic but functional however the food is absolutely unbelievable and the prices are very affordable.

    My last meal there was curried goat with two beers and it only cost me around $13.

    I highly recommend trying it out and judging for yourself but I doubt you will be disappointed.


  2. #2

    User Info Menu

    Re: JuicyJ's on the beach

    Thanks for the heads up

    ~ May you always have a shell in your pocket and sand between your toes ~

  3. #3

    User Info Menu

    Re: JuicyJ's on the beach

    Is it the same place as Juicy J's? The sign looked similar, but I thought it said just "Juicy's" on the beach... no J, lol.

    I wasn't sure if it was the same owners or just a similar name. But nice to know they are good!

  4. #4

    User Info Menu

    Re: JuicyJ's on the beach

    Where is it located?

  5. #5

    User Info Menu

    Re: JuicyJ's on the beach

    I think this is in the same place that used to be Pilots Cafe and then became Annie's... and is apparently now JuciyJs (or whatever the correct name is)

  6. #6

    User Info Menu

    Re: JuicyJ's on the beach

    Where is the Palms resort?

  7. #7

    User Info Menu

    Re: JuicyJ's on the beach

    The Palms resort is right beside Ossie’s restaurant.

  8. #8

    User Info Menu

    Re: JuicyJ's on the beach

    Mr Glenn is it at Donaldsons?

  9. #9

    User Info Menu

    Re: JuicyJ's on the beach

    Basically right beside Donaldson's to the North.

  10. #10

    User Info Menu

    Re: JuicyJ's on the beach

    Anyone ever determine if the place on the beach was same as place in town?

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