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Thread: **OFF-site Trip Report ~~ Aug 2011 ~~ Part #2 of several

  1. #1

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    **OFF-site Trip Report ~~ Aug 2011 ~~ Part #2 of several

    I've been *back*
    here in-foreign
    for 'bout 40-hours

    feeling re-newed
    ...stronger, mentally & physically

    THANKS Jamaica..!!!..
    i love you so much

    as i fried some apples (i.e., foreign-apples, not Jamaican-'.apples.'...there IS a BIG difference), i was startled, by a familiar sound...... i ran-outside to listen

    ...'cause the foreign-cricketts were chirpin' like they do in Jamaica
    .....i smiled

    and returned to my pot of cooking apples
    ..cooking in my new 9-inch pot,
    ...brought back from Jamaica
    ......cost::>> JA$1,650 ... (approx. US$20)

    * sigh *
    i love Ja-pots
    ..cook nice

    with this pot i now have 4,
    ..of various sizes & types

    apples were fried with some freshly-from-island grated nutmeg



    Name:  Pot.jpg
Views: 516
Size:  58.9 KB

    be hapPpy

  2. #2

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    but i can't cook like they do down-yonder der in Jamaica



    this trip,
    I did get over-to Negril a few times
    ...but not much gwan on there

    did get to shoot a few videos
    ...soon come later

    [[ continue in a few minutes ]]
    be hapPpy

  3. #3

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    Jamaican craft-manship

    [[ more to some ]]
    be hapPpy

  4. #4

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    Smith...where did you get your dutchies from?
    I shopped for a good jamaican dutchie pot on one trip and I went everywhere and couldn't find one, but I was looking inNegril
    So I figure you obviously purchased in Lucea, so can I ask where, or if anyone else knows where I can purchase. I have one large dutchie and we use it all the time to cook, especially for rice and peas....would love to have some more!

  5. #5

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    Quote Originally Posted by marley9808 View Post
    Smith...where did you get your dutchies from?
    as you probably already know,
    if it's NOT-tourist related,
    finding certain items in Negril can-be/will-be/IS a challenge

    from my observations, in this regard, things are getting an itty-bitty better in Negril. The town is growing, and more *regular*-folk stuff/services is popping-up around the town:::: (e.g., the bra & ladies-panties vendor)

    always keep in mind my #1 Ja-Rule:::>> "..IF you looking for something, and can't find, just ask somebody .... ANY-body(s).." .... Ja-folks are nice & helpful ... if the *thing-y* is there, they know where it is.

    as for my pot(s) (in pic above),
    got it in Lucea @ ".Rainbow."
    ..one of the China-man shops/stores

    sometimes you'll see a pot-vendor
    vending from the trunk of their car/van
    oh::>> they jus' *might* have a few pots in ValueMaster
    i vaguely-recall see-ing some in there some-time ago
    be hapPpy

  6. #6

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    Entreprenewmanship (sp??)



    the guy in video above,
    was near 'Hurry-Hurry." ((aka 'Sinclairs')
    ..where i got my school uniform

    it's kinda-sorta like a department store, but it's Ja-stylee

    NOT Nordstroms, NeimanMarcus, etc., but nice nonetheless

    all-this-trip, it took all my strength & willpower NOT-to buy the Clark shoes they had there. The prices were PERFECT, too....less than US$100


    more videos & stuff soon come
    be hapPpy

  7. #7

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    Yes! Thanks Smith
    And yes, when I was searching I asked everyone in Negril, I even asked them at 3dives as they always have there nice Dutchies and most everyone said try Valuemaster but they had none.....so I was hoping there was some secret other place that someone knew of but every time asked mosteople looked like they had no real other ideas! Lol
    I will check again while there inOctober but might just take a nice trip to Lucea....I can't believe I never thought of that before to check in Lucea, thanks!
    I bet Sav would be a good place to look too

  8. #8

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    Quote Originally Posted by marley9808 View Post
    every time asked mosteople looked like they had no real other ideas! Lol
    * sigh *

    yep YEP..!!!..
    Over-in-Negril, *they*-do tend to not-know this-or-that when you ask 'em something
    ....drives me UP-the-wall
    ......'cause i KNOW they know
    ..........for some strange-reason(s) they don't/won't say

    oh well
    one of those Negril-thing-ys

    sometimes mi-*think* they-be thinking::>> "..if that tourist money ain't coming/going in MY-pocket, i AIN'T making no referrals.."


    yep... check Lucea... only an easy 30-minutes from Negril
    ...and tru-tru, Sav will have-too, fi sure


    an aside::::>> THIS is one-reason i encourage folks to EXPLORE ... get out of the resorts ... get -OUT of Negril .... check-out the surrounding areas/towns/etc. .... there's sooooooooooo much to see (FOR FREE) .... and the further-away you are from the tourist places, the better the prices, and always big-fun to be had.

    ....and it's safe
    be hapPpy

  9. #9

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    Marley...not that I'm saying not to explore other parts of Jamaica as Smith suggests...but you will find the dutchies in Negril...no worries!
    It does depend on who you ask in Negril....if you'd asked Paula at 3 Dives...she would have known...if you asked one of the young men there...maybe not...! And, if they don't shop in Negril...they won't necessarily know either.
    Anyhoooo...the last time I noticed dutchies...they had them off and on at the Hi Lo and regularly at the Quality Traders in Negril.

  10. #10

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    ALL-ways there
    the '.Sound Track.' of Jamaica

    last-month, my Lucea-mentor
    was in USofA finalizing work on her MastersDegree
    from US-university

    we chatted pon phone

    among other things,
    she mentioned that USA too-quiet
    mi-laughed, 'cause i KNEW where she was coming from


    all over Jamaica,
    you can count-on hearing some kind of music playing,
    ..all day and evening
    .....on weekends will be music late into the night

    video above,
    shot on a Saturday morn.... 'bout 11-am
    ...starts with music from shop across road
    ....then church down the lane

    on that likkle stroll to the church
    ..you might hear 4-5 other radios, music-systems, etc playing something
    ......all at the same time

    about that church.... i've yet to go inside for service
    ....wanna/gonna do it one day (in future)
    ....'cause they be gettin'-down in der

    an aside::>> i DID sleep, *live* in that church for a day or so, during/after hurricane-Ivan
    ....'cause the roof on house was about to blow-off
    ........the church serves as a shelter from the storm(s) (in more ways than one eh)

    also, on Sat-days,
    when i hear that church music
    ...that let's me know that I've blown half my day, if/when i had *plan*-ed to be someplace


    more videos uploading

    will post more to this thread later in the day

    GOT-TO go do yard-work
    ..'cause the grass is as high as an elephant's eye

    the way things going with yard-work
    ...by Monday, i'll have nuff-$$$$$ to go-BACK to Jamaica on Wednesday


    sing with me:::>> ""..oh, what a beautiful morning, oh what a beautiful day..""

    likkle more
    be hapPpy

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