Hello Good Night Fellow Boardies

Many of you have read my posts and reports in the past so you know me pretty well. I am looking for ideas for places to stay on my next reach which hopefully will be for a month or two. I have a couple of good leads but thought I would cast out the net and see what everyone suggests. Here is my must have list (monthly price is something I am flexible on depending on what I will be getting):

Security on property or gated
Verandah or Patio with a View (seaside or sea view - would consider a nice garden view also)
Privacy (no large places as I prefer to be away from the crowds)
West End or close by West End - Negril or close to Negril
Kitchen (ideal would be full kitchen, full fridge and oven would be outstanding)

Everything else is flexible. Clean simple is fine, Cable a plus
I have cked Mirage cottages, Kim's Place of Sue's, Ja Freedom, Tingalaya (darn no long term rental), and a private yaard unit. Will be cking w/Sis Irie about her place but its on Norman Manley so not my first choice.

Any recommendations welcome.
Thanks all and I am grateful for this board and all of you.