This trip I would love to see another green flash. Just one would do me.

I saw my first two green flashes – ever – during my last reach. I wrote about it in my blog last season (Sunsets, Rum, Sand and Gizzadas). Up until that point I was a sceptic. I thought that ‘The Green Flash’ that I’d heard so much about was maybe a rum-fueled apparition. Or maybe something that you’d see after you’d been staring at the sun for fifteen minutes. Of the hundreds and hundreds of sunsets that I’d watched – nary one green flash did I see. But last February I joined the Green Flash brethren and I put a tick beside the ‘Green Flash’ entry in my mental bucket list.

I’ll always remember it. Archie called it. He was standing right beside me up on the White Sands sun deck. “Here it comes”, he said, pointing at the small crescent of sun that was rapidly sinking into the flat water on the western horizon. “Three! Two! One! . . . BLAM!”

And there it was. The Green Flash. Yup. No doubt about it. It was cool, but it wasn’t what I expected. We cheered our good fortune and clinked bottles.

But that was last year. What about this year?

Another trip to Negril begins Saturday. Those of you who read my blog last year might recall that it was an epic trip (well, I thought it was - and I held back ). Who knows what beach-side adventures the next six weeks will hold?

As usual I’ve had an internal debate as to whether I would post this year. You see, posting a trip report is a commitment. Posting a real-time trip report is even more challenging. It’s a bit of a flier. What if there is nothing interesting to write about? It becomes a beast that must be fed. Ask anyone who has done it.

To make it worse, I’m a little OCD about my prose. I don’t feel comfortable posting things that I haven’t had the chance to mull over and edit several times. But, for better or worse, I’ve once again succumbed to my habit.

I get in late Saturday. Maybe have an update on Sunday night or Monday.

No promises, it could be boring as hell. Maybe I’ll just end up rambling. We’ll see how it goes.