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Thread: **OFF-site Trip Report ~~ Aug 2011 ~~ Part #4 of several

  1. #1

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    **OFF-site Trip Report ~~ Aug 2011 ~~ Part #4 of several


    let's chat 'bout school supplies
    ..and gift-ing of same
    be hapPpy

  2. #2

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    remember in an earlier ".On-Site Trip Report."
    i mentioned my landlord's son (and family)
    being on-island the same time as i was..??..

    son's *wife* made an interesting comment,
    regarding school supplies for her children::::>>> "..IF i'd known (the prices), i would have purchased school stuff down HERE IN JAMAICA,,, rather than back-home in Canada.."


    in another earlier On-Site report,
    i mentioned chatting with a guy in the Lucea 'Hurry-Hurry' about what his church was doing for the school children, for back-to-school.
    Name:  church_School_donations.jpg
Views: 338
Size:  67.3 KB

    while i watched several children
    making their shoe selections
    he explained that his church purchased items for children in-need

    he had 'bout 20 children in the church van

    while we chatted
    he wrote down his contact info
    ...see:::>> pic above

    AGAIN:::>>> NO NEED to bring down stuff
    give money to a good group, church, organization etc
    let 'em get it THERE on-island

    i feel kinda bad posting the pic/info above, so late

    'twas a few days after i met this guy,
    that while walking around Lucea (on a Sunday)
    i heard this::>> '.toot toot.' from a van
    and the driver shouted::>> "..Hey, Bill.."

    it was the church guy

    the van was chock-FULL with youths,
    going or coming from a church something(?)

    ain't it scare-ry how they remember ya name..???..


    more report in a few minutes...
    got a few nice videos for you's

    be hapPpy

  3. #3

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    likkle more in a few minutes
    be hapPpy

  4. #4

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    i have NO CLUE how this crotch-video (below) got shot


    BUT::>> it reminds me that I've got to post about my tailor
    ...opps...i mean my FORMER tailor ... and why i no-long-er EVER will do biz-ness with him


    story soon come


    in that video,
    check my nice new blue dress pants,
    ...[[[ got 2 new pair this trip ]]]
    and black mariner,
    with an old shirt, i got at a foreign thrift shop

    i can tell from the sound of my foot steps that i don't have on water boots
    ...*probably* my new bare-foot running shoes

    likkle more
    stay tuned
    more post soon come

  5. #5

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    lemme introduce a buddy-of-mine

    [[[[ note:::>>> in video above,
    it *may* sound-like i've got food in my mouth,
    while talking .... lol lol lol... i DO .... lol lol .... a pattie from Hammonds in Negril, near the RoundAbout ... sorry 'bout dat... but i was hungry..]]]



    more soon come
    Last edited by smith744; 09-21-2011 at 10:21 PM.

  6. #6

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    Quote Originally Posted by pretty40 View Post
    Smith thanks for sharing and making me hungry!!
    boardie-pretty40 ~~~ this video *might* make you hungry-er, too na tru



    as mention-ed,
    dunno why this-trip i took so long to get some curry goat
    ..'cause that's my FAVORITE Ja-dish ... along with the ackee

    oh:::>> the waitress at the Lucea-restaurant,
    was an in-country neighbor

    she use-to work at the Lucea Jockey factory
    ...was der looooooooooong time
    .....years & years & years

    'til factory closed

    likkle more within the hour or so

  7. #7

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    dunno why,
    but this trip
    i got a lot of *free* '.drives.' to-town (from in-country)
    ..savings::: Ja$40 on-way

    more about that later (in another post)
    if i don't forget

    likkle more
    back in an hour or so

  8. #8

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    Its nice to see you posting when your not in-Foreign . . .

  9. #9

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    oh:::>> a quickie off-topic question, that's been buggin' me for long-time:::>> can somebody(s) tell me WHY GoogleAds would show-me an ad for menopause stuff..??..


    soon come back
    Attached Images Attached Images  
    be hapPpy

  10. #10

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    Quote Originally Posted by justchuck View Post
    Its nice to see you posting when your not in-Foreign . . .

    i'm not in Jamaica

    i'm in-foreign now

    these are OFF-site reports
    ..of stuff from my trip
    ..a couple of weeks ago

    back-then, i was doing a few ON-site reports (as usual)
    be hapPpy

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