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Thread: ** on-site Trip Report ~~ Saturday ...... 06/13

  1. #1

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    ** on-site Trip Report ~~ Saturday ...... 06/13


    for the past couple of days
    i *thought*
    it was JUST ME


    but even the on-island Jamaicans
    are saying:::>> """... it's HOT...!!!"""

    i'm on Santa's '''..naughty'..''' list

    this trip-extension thing-y
    and few other things
    i've been devilishly doing
    have got a LOT of folks
    upset, perplexed, vex-ed, confused, etc etc.

    it's VERY *interesting* how many people
    you don't see,
    when they *think* you've flown-back

    makes you go::::>> ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
    to you-boardies,
    i apologize for not posting lately
    ...i've been busy busy busy

    i painted the new door
    and two others
    outdoor OIL paint

    * whew *

    that oil paint is
    wicked stuff
    .....hard to apply
    .........and takes AT LEAST EIGHT hours to dry

    it's worth the bother,
    'cause it'll protect the wood
    from the brutal Jamaican elements

    ALL DAY yesterday,
    was spent with the electrician
    ......he did a WONDER-FULLLL job
    he & I had a full day of lively, & enlighten-ing (( for me ))
    .......virtually, it was a no-holds-barred chat

    for example:::::

    1.... i asked him:::>> """...with ALL this land on-island,
    how come there ain't more farming going on....???...''''

    he looked pon me
    ........then-SAY:::>> """...some-people want fast-money...''''

    * sigh *

    i was hoping & praying he wouldn't say something like that
    ......but it confirmed my *suspicions* for all these years.

    2....I asked him about the *trend* for young-young-YOUNG ladies to *breed* at such an early-early age

    i held my breath
    ...waiting for his response

    he-SAY::::>>> ''''...it's the cool thing to do....''''

    I was flabbergasted.

    i DID NOT expect that response.

    from time to time,
    i'm going to be adding things
    to this thread

    maybe a couple videos, as well

    it all depends on what Jamaica ** throws ** at me
    ....from now 'til mid-night-ish

    stay tuned.
    be hapPpy

  2. #2

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    Re: ** on-site Trip Report ~~ Saturday ...... 06/13

    ummmm..Should I...???.... a 2-room wall house

    i'm always checking with folks on the price of this or that

    asked the electrician,
    how much would it cost
    for a room ''...this size...'''
    [[[[ 'bout 12 x 16 plus a likkle bit more ]]]]

    he pondered
    ...crunched some numbers in his head
    ...........came up with a top-of-head number::::>>> USofA $2,000, give or take

    i asked him
    maybe it was another neighbor
    ''''...how LONG would it take to build a house/room this size ...??....'''
    """...not more than 4-weeks...'''

    should/could i give myself a Christmas gift..????

    this afternoon,
    i dropped the *idea* on my landlord.

    '''...blah blah blah.... over there.... where we *discussed* 'bout 15-years ago.... blah blah blah.... and you said fine/ok ... blah blah...'''

    * sigh *

    things changed
    ...'cause he said:::>> """...nooooooooooooo .... you don't want that .... blah blah blah ...... spend the money adding ONTO my-house .... blah blah... your-room... blah blah...'''

    me-SAY:::>> '''... i don't want that...''

    stay tuned
    'cause THIS-discussion/story AIN'T finished, yet
    ....to be continued...
    be hapPpy

  3. #3

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    Re: ** on-site Trip Report ~~ Saturday ...... 06/13

    something *interestsing*
    happened a likkle while ago

    when-ever i exchange USofA currency
    i don't bother with cambio, WesternUnion, etc.

    i take the dollars
    to any of the China-man stores,
    just like many many residents.
    ....'cause same rate
    .......and is always a quick-quick in & out ... no fuss ... efficient

    as when i walked up to the China-man money-booth,
    there was a uniformed police-officer waiting at same time
    ...probably to buy a Digicel phone card, or something.

    i handed over the US-$$$ to China-man
    ...he took it
    ......looked pon me
    ...........put his finger over his lips, as if to say:::>> ""...Shush... don't say nutin...'''

    i complied

    he handed me my Ja-$$$$
    and i walked out
    ...after he did the '''..Shush..''' thing-y one more time.

    i'm not for sure
    i *think* i know whagwan

    gonna do some *research*

    stay tuned.

    be hapPpy

  4. #4

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    Re: ** on-site Trip Report ~~ Saturday ...... 06/13

    *re$earch* Done..!!..
    that didn't take long

    i *found* out why::::>>>>> 'my Lucea-mentor-SAY:::>> '''... because the China-man AIN'T authorized to exchange money, as they do all day, every day, and everybody know it ... blah lbah blah .... but the ''..shush''' was 'cause don't wanna flaunt the violation right there in-front of the police-man...''''

    makes since
    [[[ in a way ]]]

    to be continued....
    be hapPpy

  5. #5

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    Re: ** on-site Trip Report ~~ Saturday ...... 06/13

    I Love the Ja-Route-Taxi system,,,as you-all know

    this afternoon,
    when i got out of taxi
    from-country to Luce-town

    i got out
    ...paid driver ... Ja$100
    .......as asked him to do me a *favor*
    .............asking what i asked wasn't required, 'cause what i was asking was a NORMAL operating practice, all over the island

    mi-SAY:::>> '''... Here..!!!... take this JA $$$$$$$$$$ and get 2 bags of cement, and take it back to the house...''''
    he-SAY:::>>> '''....Sure...'''

    *arrangement* DONE [[ period ]]]

    lemme explain a likkle more
    ...I & he KNEW how much the cement cost per bag
    ........he would go to the hardware store, and get the stuff, pay for it, put it in his taxi, and on his next-trip back-to-country, he would drop it off in the yard.
    ..............additional cost ---- i.e., delivery cost:::>> Ja$100
    route-taxi drivers do this kind of thing all the time
    love love LOVE 'em & ''..the system..'''
    ..to be continued...
    be hapPpy

  6. #6

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    Re: ** on-site Trip Report ~~ Saturday ...... 06/13

    Smith, Good stuff!

    See you tomorrow or Monday.... Yes, I remember I promised you a Red Strip and Craven A!

    VVHT soon come, but not soon enough!

  7. #7

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    Re: ** on-site Trip Report ~~ Saturday ...... 06/13


    landlord VEX-ed again
    his son
    now living in Canada
    some $$$$$
    ...for landlord to get items
    to be carry-t0-foreign
    by a family member leaving Tuesday

    landlord NOT happy
    'cause son
    sent JUST ENOUGH $$$
    to cover what he wanted
    ....i.e., NO extra $$$$$

    a Conversation overheard
    'twas in the hardware store
    when buying the oil paint, 2-brushes, and some paint *.tinner."

    there was another gentleman 'bout my age ..... i.e., OLD

    he was trash-talking, and playfully messin'g with EVERY-body
    ...for example, when the sales person would quote a price for whatever
    he-SAY:::>> ""...What..!!!!! ..... a wicked thing is that (price)...""

    a middle-aged woman walked in

    immediately, the my-age-guy starts his *thing*:::>>> ''...blah blah blah blah...give me your cell number.... blah blah.."
    she-SAY::>> ''...I don't WANT your money... blah blah blah .... my father taught me to be an independent woman... blah blah blah... i have a job... blah blah...''

    the gentleman
    and goes into this & that about what he could/would do blah blah blah etc etc.

    one of the lady-sales-ladies-SAY:::>> "".. you should stop and leave that kind of chat to the young-guys, 'cause she'll kill you...'''

    much laughing

    then i thought to myself::::>> '''...ummmmmmmmmmmmmmm ..... he's Jamaican, and I'm not ...... soooooooooooooo, i KNOW i'm NOT READY....''''

    * sigh *
    to be continued
    be hapPpy

  8. #8

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    Re: ** on-site Trip Report ~~ Saturday ...... 06/13

    the ''''..I wanna go to the zoo..'' Lady
    several days,
    i *noticed* a guy staying-with/visiting the zoo-request-lady

    one day
    she re-requested the zoo-trip

    me-SAY:::>>> '''...isn't your *brother* at the house...???...'''

    there were gasps
    all around
    by others overhearing my query


    i can't remember *what* she said
    i haven't been troubled by any zoo-requests SINCE
    Bill i need this ......... Bill, i need that..... Bill i need ....
    wanted some $$$$
    to buy charcoal
    down the road
    at a shop

    me-SAY::::>> """..noooooooooooo .... too expensive down the road ... cheaper in Lucea...''''

    she & others were *surprised* that i KNEW the prices, AND WHERE in the market to get the charcoal

    me-SAY:::>> ''''...better yet,,, you should get some wood for fire ..... get pimento wood ..... saw the guys, just the other day, doing a GOOD-GOOD job cooking some crabs with pimento wood ....''''

    she was NOT pleased with me.
    ....called Dutty-Bill ... blah blah blah .... something about being *mean*

    a lot of people call me *mean*
    ...dunno why
    my name may be Bill,,,, but it ain't Gates
    .....to be continued.....
    be hapPpy

  9. #9

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    Re: ** on-site Trip Report ~~ Saturday ...... 06/13

    weather-wise ... right NOW..!!..

    'tis 7:45 pm
    sun has dropped

    84 F degrees .. but it feels-like 92
    according to the WeatherChannel
    because the humidity is 72

    but no worried [[[ for now ]]]
    ..'cause i'm INSIDE in A/C
    at the computer place:::>> 62 F degrees


    me no wanna go outside
    me type inside for a while
    'til mentor puts me out

    mentor here late
    'cause electricity has been poppin' off most of the afternoon eve,
    and mentor has work to finish

    me-*think* with all this heat
    folks have fired-up their fans
    and put a strain on the power grid
    a Tip::::when next YOU travel..

    .... long socks
    ....long pants
    ....long sleeve shirt/blouse

    light weight,,, quick dry stuff

    even though it's hot & humid
    ..covering up your skin is a good-good thing to do
    ....'cause dust, bugs, mystery *things* are all about and WILL irritate and/or bump-up your skin, and drive you crazy
    ..............more about this later

    and THE ANTS
    * sigh *
    they come in all-sizes:::: big-ones, bigger-ones, and the worst are the teeny-weeny itty-bitty ones.

    no for sure,
    but me think they all bite/nibble/etc.

    and there'er some things you can't see:::: but you feel 'em

    as RickJames once said/sang:::>> ''''...the freaks come out at night...'''
    i'm constantly amazed at the variety of bugs that come out at night

    over my verandaH
    is a HUGH spider
    ....he/she is pretty pretty
    ......with a big web

    one night,
    a praying mantis was caught in the web
    morning come
    mantis parts pon the verandaH floor

    no biggie (( ???? )))
    'cause the ants
    were doing their ant-thing-y and munch munch munch-ing the body parts
    Heat & Flies
    not for sure,
    but i think there's a *connection*
    ..the two go together

    the other night,
    landlord's mom came home
    complain-ing about the heat
    AND the flies
    she had to battle all day
    as she worked in the bush someplace

    flies bite too
    ....more soon come....

    be hapPpy

  10. #10

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    Re: ** on-site Trip Report ~~ Saturday ...... 06/13


    i saw Robs sticky-post about the discounts during the Fall months.

    interesting time-ing,
    'cause it was JUST the other day
    on Ja-television,
    in the newspaper
    i heard/read 'bout the Minister of Tourism's
    new initiative to big-up the Fall-season,
    and do this & that to pump-up the tourist biz-ne$$

    me-personally said to myself::::>>>> """..Duh..."""
    ....'cause i remember
    back in the day
    at one of those Friends of Jamaica gathering
    in late-late September or October,
    I noticed & commented
    that Fall was a PERFECT time for a Jamaican vacation or getaway

    weather is SUPER-NICE then.... the ONLY issue is that there might be a hurricane

    the only other issue, is:::>>>> tourist-places tend to use this time of the year to *renovate* properties and re-dundant-tize their workers ---- so a lot of things that normally be-gwan ain't happening.

    but weather-wise,
    Jamaica in the Fall is/can-be sweet.
    likkle bit
    more in a few minutes, or so

    need a CravenA

    soon come back
    be hapPpy

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