I know it is hard in jamaica, i have been traveling there for years. The economy effects almost everyone. To treat myself i save and travel to jamaica every year. I don't know why i keep attracting people who think i am an atm. I don't do anything to give people that impression. I recently became reaquainted with a friend. He immediately became my designated driver. I let him know i was interested in friendship only, i'm not looking for a man, i have one in the states. We traveled to ocho rios, st. Anns bay, roaring river etc. It was great. We got along fine he became my party partner sometimes. I confided in him that all the other people i've met who pretend to be my friend eventually showed me that they had ulterior motives. I also let him know i come from a big jamaican community in usa, and know a lot about the culture, dialect, music, cons and schemes in jamaica, my man at home in usa is jamaican. My old acquaintances in jamaica were interested in what they can get and i never deal with them again. I learned to hang out alone and enjoy it. He reassured me that he was nothing like that. When i returned home we kept in touch, and i thought that i finally met someone who i can maintain a friendship with. Eventually, he asked me to send him credit for his phone. I told him no, i don't have any money. After that he stopped calling, so when i called him he always complain about how hard it is in jamaica, blah blah blah i told him it is hard in usa also. I figured he we go again, with the sob story. I stopped calling because i don't want to hear all the whining because i know where it will lead. He must've found credit because he called me and asked me if he could borrow $150 us. I got so upset and let him know that i'm no fool borrow mean give. They are not giving money away in the usa, i have to work for it. My question to the negril message board is, would you continue to use this friend as a taxi driver/hang out partner or leave them alone. He had good vibes and i know people fall on hard times but i am fed up with the begging.