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Thread: Manda's first trip to jamaica sept 2011

  1. #141

    User Info Menu

    enjoying your report manda!

  2. #142

    User Info Menu

    Loving your trip report so far, Manda! I've only seen Negril, so I'm curious about the rest of Jamaica. Looking forward to the next installment!
    Carpe Diem

  3. #143

    User Info Menu

    I am not sure what is more awesome: being mentioned in Manda's report, that she trusts me for advice, or the fact that a gorgeous, single Canadian woman has my number and uses it. LOL (:

    This whole thing about Andre and her head on his chest? Mweh.

    Otherwise, great report LOL

    PS I love Canadiaianaian ladies, remember? haha
    Last edited by brasi; 10-12-2011 at 11:52 AM. Reason: to add that i LOVE Canadiaianananians

  4. #144

    User Info Menu

    Brasi lol you are too funny. How could I not mention you in my report :P You will be mentioned again actually lol Annnd if it makes you feel any better Andre was more like "Who is Brasi .. and how do you know him? What are you texting him? I guess he misses you huh?" hahaha was pretty funny actually :P
    Last edited by Manda81; 10-12-2011 at 01:41 PM.

  5. #145

    User Info Menu

    DAY 3 PART 2

    Andre gets on his phone “Barber, make sure you have two box food, chicken and chips 30 minutes”

    “Andre, who was that?”

    “Barber, the Barber, he’s going to make sure he orders us food for when we get there.

    “Barber, the Barber, creative”

    “Wait, I’m meeting your friends? Now??!! Umm you need to stop at your house first so I can change or something!”

    “ “Why you look fine”

    “Andre I’ve been sitting in a car for hours holding on for deal life I need to freshen up!”

    “For who??!! Barber??!! Alright Alright fine, women!”

    I really didn’t know what to expect when arriving at Andre’s place. What would it look like? Would there be an inside toilet?
    No idea… but we pulled up to a small gated apartment building and entering his place it was what someone would call I guess
    a Bachelor. There was one large room in which he had his bed clothes, stereo and that was it and there was a separate bathroom
    with bathtub/shower and then a separate small kitchen with a fridge counter space, sink and a hot plate for cooking.
    Not the Ritz but I’m not high maintenance this will do. Oh and no TV .. do you know what this means??

    No Football! Andre won’t be pealed to the TV the entire time.

    “Don’t jump on the bed like you did in Negril though or we won’t have anything to sleep on tonight.”

    I sit down on the bed and it’s super hard, hard as in I can feel the boards underneath.

    “Andre, you need a new mattress.”

    Wash up get changed no idea what to expect I’m in the country, up a mountain what does one wear in the country, up a mountain?
    Surely I did not pack for this but I’ll do what I can. There is no mirror at Andre’s place just a small one that I can do my make up with
    but how in the hell am I suppose to know what the rest of me looks like??

    “That’s the most put together I think I’ve seen you since you got to Jamaica.”

    “Why thanks Andre and here I thought I looked pretty good most nights.”

    “Well you did but your outfit looks more “put together””

    ”It’s black Andre .. All black. Of coarse it looks put together *rolls eyes*” Men!

    So we get in the car and we pull up to a lit area on one of the roads everything is trees and such and all of a sudden there’s a
    building on the right that says “nite club” and on the left there is what looks like two small shacks. That is the Barber and right
    next to it is a “bar” which really is a “take out bar” as there isn’t anywhere to sit down in there.

    So what now I’m thinking.. We’re in the middle of nowhere pretty much but we’ve got the car it’s pumping extremely loud music
    and I can see “barber” barbering someone’s hair.

    Andre yells at someone and a head pops down through the door window

    “Amanda, this is Jacko, Jacko this is my girlfriend Amanda”

    Whoa ! Girlfriend?

    We say hello and then I’m introduced to Jacko’s nephew “Barber” who looks just as old as Jacko. There are a few things they said
    that I didn’t catch I’m sure I sat there looking like a complete idiot as if they were speaking a different language but between the
    very loud music and the fact that this Patois was FAST I had no idea what they said.

    “English, wldjf;lajg;jgaj;hl;kjshkj,” Jacko says. I realize he’s talking to Andre and Andre is English. Ha! This makes me laugh
    because although Andre speaks Patois he switches back to Canadian form when he’s around certain people and I guess Jacko
    and Barber know this. English I like that .. although I’m still voting for Preacher.

    We get our box food and chow down it had been since Breakfast since I ate anything. Here I thought I’d gain weight in Jamaica
    because the food is so good but for some reason the excitement of everything masks any sort of hunger I might have during the day.

    “Jacko! Jacko! Grab a flask I feel like having drinks tonight.”

    Whoa! Andre is going to have drinks tonight, this doesn’t happen. Andre has an ulcer he doesn’t normally drink. But he insists that
    we are in his “hood” now and I can tell his demeanor is different. He’s smiling a lot! He’s singing to music. He keeps wacking me on
    the same knee in the same spot and grabbing my leg asking me “ “everything aiight Manda, you aiight”
    I don’t know how many times I’ve answered this question while up in Malvern. Mind you my leg is getting sore and I might just wack
    him back if he hits me in the same spot again.

    Andre comes back to the car with a bottle of Wray and Nephew and I think Oh god!! Just two weeks before this a friend of mine had
    bought it because we had never had it and I just remember how horrible it was.

    But okay no worries I’m a trooper.

  6. #146

    User Info Menu

    woo hoo, party on the mountain! Nice.

  7. #147

    User Info Menu

    Andre comes back to the car with a bottle of Wray and Nephew…
    Wray and Nephew? What is that? Is it like JB?

    Loving your trip report, Manda! Look forward to hearing how the rest of the night goes!
    Carpe Diem

  8. #148

    User Info Menu

    you are too funny manda - you have me cracking up over here

  9. #149

    User Info Menu

    Thanks Clarity! Wray n Nephew is an over proof Jamaican Rum

  10. #150

    User Info Menu

    lol thanks Seveen Im happy you are enjoying it

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