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Thread: Manda's first trip to jamaica sept 2011

  1. #131

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    i guess your done? i hope not.. just tryin to stoke the fire..

  2. #132

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    yeah, come back Manda--can't wait for the rest of your Ja adventure!

  3. #133

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    Def. not done! Soooo much more to tell lol the long weekend got the best of me and it was beautiful in Toronto!! I'm working on it, more tonight

  4. #134

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    DAY 3 PART 1

    Waking up was a bit of a blur with a mix of Red Stripe, Rum, the buzz of the party the night before
    and everything kind of swirls around in my head as I left my head off of Andre’s chest his arms around
    me and I pull to get up but he’s pulled me back in.

    “Andre, we need to get up we’re leaving Negril today and we have to check out”

    Grumble Grumble Grumble

    And then it sort of hits me like a ton of bricks, I have to leave Negril. I feel like the last two days was a whirlwind
    and I’m disappointed in the fact that I haven’t seen half as much of what I wanted although I’m proud of seen what
    I did in the two days that I’ve been here. But there is this sad spot that I’m leaving and a kind of excitement that
    the next three days I have absolutely no idea what to expect. Where I’m even going what is it going to look like will
    I enjoy myself and then the blow horn in my suitcase erupts.

    Andre jumps up and his forearm hits the back of my head my thoughts abruptly stop and now my neck hurts.

    “I thought you were going to turn that damn thing off!”


    We get dressed quickly and make it for breakfast. Ackee and Saltfish finally!! The breakfast at Cocolapalm
    was great and while I’m ordering I’m told Banana Bread comes with my order. I turn to Andre

    “I heard they have the best Banana Bread” and the waitress smiles and laughs at me “True, we do”

    After breakfast I want to take in some more of the beach, this morning it’s blue skies and no over cast and the
    brightness of the beach hitting the clear water is something you’d think you might only see in a photo shopped
    picture in a travel magazine but no here it is in all of Gods glory, this has to be one of the most beautiful things
    I’ve ever seen. Laying on a beach lawn chair soaking it all in before I have to leave this paradise right before my eyes.

    I’m interrupted by a man on the beach with a blow horn ..

    “Now that is a blow horn Andre, not my alarm!

    “Same difference Amanda that man might as well be in your suitcase”

    Apparently there is a free Reggae/Soca party at Roots Bamboo, Damn I’m going to miss it.
    Andre gets up to grab from a dread on the beach. Again he comes back mumbling about how he’s not a tourist and
    these prices are outrageous.

    Back in the room, packing #2 we’re late to check out because we’re not even sure how we are going to get from
    Negril to where ever Andre lives. I still haven’t figured this out; he tells me some place called Hampton Court near
    Malvern. As if I’m suppose to know this?? When all else fails ask Negril.com.. Some good advice on not renting a
    private car. Andre tells me

    “what would be the difference if I had picked up my friends car to come get you?”

    “I don’t know Andre but its best if we rent”

    We find a rental Efay Car Rental, seems a bit sketchy as there is no number online but there is an email. Email sent.
    The quote is 150.00 less than all the other car rentals, SOLD. We’ll meet in Mobay. Flash back to how long it took
    to get to Negril by Route Taxi .. do I want to waste another day??

    “Andre go out to the street and see if you charter a taxi how much it will cost” 60 US he says ..
    hmm well if I’m going to give up 60 US I might as well do it for someone that’s connected to a member of Negril.com.

    I text Brasi..

    Hey Brasi who’s your driver friend? Oh ya Judge how do I get a hold of that guy?

    Judge is now going to come and get Andre and I after asking how we know “Brasi” I let him know that Brasi is due back
    in Negril in January and they will drink a lot of Red Stripes he laughs at this, he’ll be picking us up in 30 minutes.

    The ride to Mobay was great, big van type vehicle just me, Andre and Judge. We get to Mobay grab a cold Red Stripe
    and stand up on the road in the shade of coarse, it’s HOT we wait for Anton from the Car Rental. Car gets here I’ve seen
    cars in better shape but it’ll do plus he’ll take my Canadian funds and price doesn’t change, good stuff on the road.

    It’s going to take us a bit to get to Hampton Court where ever that is. Andre is driving but it’s a left hand drive driving on
    the left hand side of the road.. what does this mean you ask? All the on coming traffic is on my side. For the rest of the trip
    I have been accustomed to gripping what I like to call the “holy sh&t bars” above my window for dear life. I’m ducking and
    covering my eyes and at first I’m sure I’ve yelled at Andre a few times which might sound something like I have tourettes.


    We are climbing, climbing winding winding..

    ”Andre where are we?”
    “We’re going up the mountain”
    “You live on a mountain?”
    “I live up in the mountains.”


    There are no guard rails on the side of the road, the road looks as wide as a one way road where I’m from if not smaller
    and we’re passing at high speeds, this can’t be safe. Nevermind that every sharp hairpin turn around a large part of rock
    in the mountain I can see the oncoming traffic before Andre. PERFECT.

    I’m terrified and my hand hurts from gripping the holy sh&t bar for over an hour and we hit Santa Cruz ..
    almost there I’m told. Thank god because I’m not sure how much more I can handle of this.

    “What you’re going to smoke a joint??
    “I don’t have to have my seat belt on?
    "What do you mean I can drink while you drive??"
    "Why don’t I have a drink in my hand for this!"

    Hell if I die I’d rather not be parched

  5. #135

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    O-M-G! Giiiiirl, that would have scared the crap outta me, I seriously hope he didnt light up!! but I know of those windy climbing roads you speak of!! lovin your report!

  6. #136

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    How many hours were you on the road? That looks like a long way...http://www.maplandia.com/jamaica/sai...hampton-court/
    Last edited by x l ent; 10-12-2011 at 02:11 AM.

  7. #137

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    hey girl..getting a little taste of my life in those hills/mts heh ????? so lokoing forward to the next thread....
    " Ones destination is never a place, but rather a new way of looking at things." (Henry Miller)

  8. #138

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    Quote Originally Posted by x l ent View Post
    How many hours were you on the road? That looks like a long way...http://www.maplandia.com/jamaica/sai...hampton-court/
    that is not the right Hampton Court.. it's considered more of a name of a neighbourhood in St. Beths which is part of Malvern... if you google that you should be able to get it on the map. I know that in Mobay there is a Hampton Court as well but I think it's more of a neighbourhood idea than it is a town or city.

    The ride from Mobay up to "Hampton Court"/Malvern Andre said would be about 1.5 hours but with the road being pretty bad and there seemed to be quite a bit of traffic on top of the rain it slowed us down a lot I'd say we were on the road for about 2 hours at least with a stop in Santa Cruz for mixed cd's lol We learned quite fast that the radio wasn't going to do it not up in the mountain area and that static sound for 2 hours along with my heightened stress wasn't going to cut it.

    Lapurr - He did light up in fact he smoked on the road the entire rest of the trip.. :s

  9. #139

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    Lets try this location...I might be close this time. Still looks like a ways into the mountains. http://www.maplandia.com/jamaica/sai...abeth/malvern/

  10. #140

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    Quote Originally Posted by x l ent View Post
    Lets try this location...I might be close this time. Still looks like a ways into the mountains. http://www.maplandia.com/jamaica/sai...abeth/malvern/
    That's it It IS a ways into the mountain the Santa Cruz Mountains lol wait until you see the view from his friends house it almost looks as if there is only one other higher point in Jamaica .. I know that looking at the sunset from the cliffs in Negril is awe inspiring but being so high in the mountain it literally feels as if you can reach out to it. Life changing!

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