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Thread: Sandie's Bday trip II

  1. #1

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    Sandie's Bday trip II

    We first timed it in May and before we even left we knew we needed to come back. We both like to travel and rarely hit the same place twice, but sometimes you'll find a magical place and you just have to come back. I have a lot of places that I love to go to with Yosemite being my all time favorite. As a kid we made at least a yearly pilgrimage as a family and it just has a place in my heart. Not sure what it is about Negril but it has captured me as well as my wife. So with her Bday hitting the end of September I finally had an excuse to come back. It really was easy to make it happen. "Hey Babe, what do you want to do for your Bday?" The last few years we have either spent a week in Yosemite or Vegas, so I was ready for a change and as it turned out, so was Sandie. "Babe, can we go back to Negril?" " Ummmmmmm, of course we can! "
    Hours and hours of online boardie looking, lurking, posting, and drooling later we are back in Negril.
    Day 1 Red eye out of LAX. Negril here we come.

  2. #2

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    Day 2-Land in Mo Bay and hit Negril

    Hit MBJ in the late morning and proceed down the long haul to immigration. We keep walking and walking expecting the long line we saw last year, however today it was empty. We were able to walk straight up to an officer with no line at all! First sign, things are probably a little slow this time of year. "Welcome back to Jamaica Mon!" As soon as I heard those words I knew it was time to get excited. Up until this point I had been curbing my enthusiasm as I didn't want a delay to put a damper on the mood.
    Grab the bags, blow thru customs and hit the curb thru the door to the right. The bag guys came running trying to help, but a "this isn't my first time and I'm good, but thanks anyways" put them at bay. Look around and damn no Kingsley. Ask another waiting driver if he can place a call for me and as he whips his phone out Kingsley pulls up. Hugs and handshakes later and we are off. Bigga's soon come.
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    Last edited by booger; 10-15-2011 at 01:00 PM.

  3. #3

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    Sounds like the trip was what you both needed. Funny how Negril has that effect on people, it just calls you back time after time. Hope you both have a wonderful trip & Happy Birthday!!
    Getting Old Isn't For Sissy's!!

  4. #4

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    Awesome! Looking forward to the next trip report update!
    Carpe Diem

  5. #5

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    Thanks Blandy and Clarity for the nice comments!

    On the way to Bigga's it hits me. We have been up for roughly 30 hours with no sleep and it sure doesn't feel like it. We are stoked to be back and I just hope his jerk chicken is as good as I remember. I have been trying to get the chicken just right at home and the closest sauce I can find is Walkerswood. Whenever I have a party it's well received, but nothing I have found is like Bigga's.
    You think she is happy?
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    Pull in to Bigga's and he serves us up a half a chicken and some bread. Conch soup for Kingsley which he loves as well. Grab 4 more beers and off we go. Catcha Falling Star soon come.

  6. #6

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    Thanks for the report Booger! Don't you just love those westcoast red eye flights? It feels like torture the whole way, but once you hit JA, you are feeling no pain! Who needs sleep when red stripe and jerk chicken are on the way!

  7. #7

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    Drop our bags at the room and dart for the bar to see the staff. The staff at Catcha is great and we were looking forward to the next 9 days sharing our time with them. You see a lot of pics of Kevin online with funny glasses so I had to bring him a pair.
    Beer goggles anyone?
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    Say hi to everyone, have a few beers and before you know it the pub crawl is almost over. Not knowing where they were for the day we decide to head towards Rexy's to see what he's up too.

    Run into a familiar face from our last stay. This guy is comedy and has quite the hussle.
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    I had never been to Rexy's but recall pics of the place online, so we keep trucking. I see his little place on the ocean side of the road and pull up, but no Rexy. I look across the street and see some guys chilling out so I start walking towards them to see if they know where he's at. Just as I start to ask the question he pops up and approaches us with a big smile. "What up Rexy?" He invites us over to the place where the guys were chilling and pulls out some cold beer. No sooner after I take my first swag I look over and see the inevitable.
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    Sandie loves animals and she is lucky to work with them as well. She put in 13 years of active duty service and used the opportunity to pay for her school. Little did I know that she packed some animal drugs and that we would be treating some pups on this trip. Nothing like restraining a growling dog after you have been drinking all day! Rexy had a little puppy with a big rope hanging from his neck and he received an ass chewing from Sandie. Next thing you know he whips out a knife and cuts it off! Rexy just redeemed himself, LOL. Hey, whose that short haired guy in the background? Picked up our first painting from Karl Ricketts as well. Sandie is also quite the artist and she and Karl had a good chat. She also made a special request and we agreed we would meet again next week to pick it up. Karl is one interesting dude.
    It just happened that the pub crawl ended at Sir D's and everyone made the small trek over to Sexy's to finish it up. They all looked nice and F'd up, so I knew next week I was on the bus.

    I had never been to Rick's, so we decided we would stop by on the way back, or was it the way there? The first day was a little foggy, no sleep for almost two days and numerous Red Stripes.
    Rick's Cafe soon come......
    Last edited by booger; 10-15-2011 at 08:15 PM.

  8. #8

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    Sounds like a fun trip!! I really enjoyed my stay at Catcha....that place was magical. Thanks for the pictures!

  9. #9

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    Quote Originally Posted by Jaherring View Post
    Sounds like a fun trip!! I really enjoyed my stay at Catcha....that place was magical. Thanks for the pictures!
    Catcha is great! We had the best time hanging out with Harry and Jeannie(sp) on this trip. Her energy is great and she cracked me up on numerous occasions. We had dolphins every day and we all had a ball checking them out. She gets so excited when she sees a pod and she is there all the time. Many laughs for sure.

    "Thanks for the report Booger! Don't you just love those westcoast red eye flights? It feels like torture the whole way, but once you hit JA, you are feeling no pain! Who needs sleep when red stripe and jerk chicken are on the way!"

    Thanks Sam I am. Yep, the red eye is so brutal. Last time we flew first class and I was able to get a few hours sleep on the way. This time, not a lick. We started our party early as well as we had a ride to the airport. Once on the plane I was good to go, but for some reason I could not sleep. Next time I'm burning some miles.

  10. #10

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    Thanks for the report, looking forward to the rest.

    But not fair that you made it back before we did!!

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