OK, i am booked for 11 nights this coming reach beginning in early January, and considering I'll be moving around a bit with the possibility of a total of three hotels, I am wondering whether or not to pack luggage or squeeze everything into a carry-on, which is going to be close close close.

Keeping in mind that I generally wear a bathing suit, t-shirt or button-down shirt and slip-ons about 90 percent of the time (like most American males in Negril), here are the things besides clothes I MUST have:

Snorkel set

Lap top

BIG towel (unless I go AI, which I am not)

Two pairs of shoes (tennis shoes and slip-ons, they're hard to pack)

fanny pack (I am such a tourist)

Two or three books



CD head set

..... I hate waiting for ANYTHING, including luggage, so going carry-on-only is a big bonus .... last time, I did 16 nights with a BIG suitcase plus a carry-on, and I needed it all!