I'm going to start a new thread so as not to mash up Rocknrollfarmer's trip report...

Quote Originally Posted by Mike_D View Post
So, this "Shantytown" has generated quite a bit of controversy on the Trip Advisor Forums. Is this really the name of the community or is it a name made up by Pub Crawl patrons? I have not been there on the tour, but have seen pictures and to me it looks no different than, say, Red Ground or Sheffield. Seems to me that maybe some participants of the One Love Bus stopped at this bar (which is actually called Bridgette's) and described the area as a "Shantytown" in a TA review. From there, other reviewers and pub crawlers just ran with it. I would be interested to hear how this community is described locally, from Rob or others that stay in Negril long term.
Quote Originally Posted by agregory View Post
I saw that controversy on TA too, but didn't want to get "attacked" for chiming in We've been on the pub crawl for the past 4 years. On our second and third trips, the bus went to "Shantytown", which is actually what Lenbert called it. I'm pretty sure that it's just a community nearby Negril, similar to the Red Ground neighborhood and not really named Shantytown. But I could not tell you exactly where we were. The first time we went it was a little chaotic and I think a lot of the pub crawlers were shocked at what they saw outside of the tourist areas or AI that they were used to...