So Negril is my spot. Has been since I first laid eyes on it and always will be. My soon to be EX husband and I have traveled there every year for the past five years and stayed at Couples Negril. Been all over the caribbean as well but there is no place like Jamaica IMO. Since we are no longer a couple (YAY! LOL) I am torn on where to stay for my solo trip this year.
I am not picky but not down for a ghetto place either. My main requests are: on the beach but enough space to have my own little private spot to call my own to read, safe for a solo female traveler, a patio or balcony to smoke on, and I know this request sounds NUTS but a decent bed I.E. not rock hard (even at couples I had to request a memory foam topper and I am doubtful that request would be met at a non AI place)

I have narrowed it down to Idle Awhile (shocker since Issa fam owns it and I know what to expect kind of LOL) Tree House Resort, Rondell Village, Country Country or Travellers.

Any and all suggestions appreciated. I just want to park my newly divorced ass on the beach for the week and drink dirty bananas and red stripes, eat some bomb Jamaican food, read a few good books and take a dip in the ocean every once in a while.
I am not scared or intimidated to travel alone, not intimidated by the vendors etc. but I also am aware of the freaks that come out at night LOL and just want to make sure I feel safe at night and have decent accommodations.

Any and all tips and advice appreciated.
Thanks guys