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Thread: We are asking for your assistance...

  1. #1

    User Info Menu

    We are asking for your assistance...

    Back in July of 2017, we posted "New upgrades coming to Negril.com!". In the post, we mentioned that we were upgrading our server for more speed and to add the https security. What we thought would take 3 weeks ended up taking 3 months. In October we announced that the upgrade was complete. At that time, we also asked for any ideas or suggestions as to what you would like to see on Negril.com.

    We then started to add features to the Boards, including the addition of an Events Calendar. There were also many behind the scene changes accomplished and the addition of the "Old time Negril Flashback" board. There will be one additional board added in the next few days, "Jamaican Special Deals" to highlight special offers from businesses and attractions island wide.

    While we stated back in July that none of the changes would be "earth shattering", during the 3 months securing the https protocol and taking into account the suggestions and ideas made, we decided to completely redesign Negril.com from the bottom up. These major changes are to further enhance the mission statement for Negril.com, to promote local businesses and bring to our visitors the most beneficial and helpful information available to make their vacation stay in Jamaica and Negril the best possible.

    Negril.com receives over half a million unique visitors per year who view over 10 million pages. It is interesting to note, that the number of unique visitors are nearly in direct correlation to the number of visitors who actually stay in Negril each year. For these reasons, more than a simple face lift was necessary for the update. For the last few months, we have been going over many ideas, some making the cut and others discarded. Looking back through our 23 year history, we took note, seeing what has worked and what hasn't. We have also taken into account the use of smartphones and how that will continue to change in the future. The new Negril.com design will have all of Negril at your fingertips.

    While most of the new sections are already set, we are asking for any final suggestions and input about what you would like to see on the new Negril.com redesign. So please feel free to leave any ideas you may have here or if you feel more comfortable, you can private message me. We will be unveiling the new changes before our 20th Annual Boardie Bash on April 27th!

    Thanks again for your suggestions and continued support.
    Negril.com - For the vacation that never ends!

  2. #2

    User Info Menu

    Re: We are asking for your assistance...

    Please include a space/time portal so we can zip to Negril every day after work and on weekends.

    Thanks for all you do! The only suggestion I have is a function I've seen on other boards where you can see any additional comments made to threads that you have contributed to.

  3. #3

    User Info Menu

    Re: We are asking for your assistance...


    Hoping the smartphone changes will make it easier to use the site with either my android or my i-phone (personal and work). :-)

    Sometimes it's better to beg for forgiveness than ask for permission.

  4. #4

    User Info Menu

    Re: We are asking for your assistance...

    You're doing great!

    Thanks for the flashback forum.

    Linston's Zion Hill Taxi

    Captain Dave

  5. #5

    User Info Menu

    Re: We are asking for your assistance...


    Thank you and to all of your staff for all of the information and resources you provide for us on this website. I do love the upgraded calendar. Can't find anything to worry about.

    One Love!!!!!
    I'm gonna be Iron like a Lion in Zion

  6. #6

    User Info Menu

    Re: We are asking for your assistance...

    Odinson, the "Transporter" has been in development for well over a decade!
    Every I ask Rob for a status report, his reply is:

    "Soon Come"



  7. #7

    User Info Menu

    Re: We are asking for your assistance...

    How about an exchange option for travelers. A place I go to in Mexico had an option last time I looked where travelers could communicate dates and leave stuff for each other, therefore lightening the load with luggage. A popular item is cooler exchange, though they had a local who helped with this. If you know anyone local willing to take this on it goes a long way, and would likely bring them business. Stop by, grab a beer or two, and move on with your item.

  8. #8

    User Info Menu

    Re: We are asking for your assistance...

    Maybe a section on security and minor crimes, could cut down on rumors and speculations.

  9. #9

    User Info Menu

    Re: We are asking for your assistance...

    Hi.. I would like to see an updated map, sometimes when people talk about a bar or restaurant I don't know where it is. I know there is a really great one, but some places have closed and others are new. Other than that I love the forum!

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