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Thread: Thirty Years Ago on the Beach - #7 Building

  1. #1

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    Thirty Years Ago on the Beach - #7 Building

    While we were all staring blankly at the water surging in the living room, the sounds from outside increased. The battering on the villa became constant. There was no longer a break between the impacts, just solid noise. It was impossible to grasp what was happening.

    Everything we had been adjusting to for the last 6 hours had become irrelevant. This was something new, something terrifying. Horrendous clashing of howling wind, objects disintegrating, rain hammering and tremendous creaking from all areas of the villa.

    It just kept building and building with no let up. we were all shaking with unknown fear, unfocused adrenaline scoring through our brains. Someone ran to a nearby closet and we all joined them, cramped in the closet and slammed the door. Total darkness in the madness. Survival. Terror. No words.

    The villa was quaking. Two stories of concrete block shaking, the roof throbbing. Window glass shattering. More howling. The crescendo was awesome. Louder, wilder, faster...

    Then quiet. We looked at each other as if to confirm we were still there. The sounds had stopped. An eerie silence filled the villa. No one made a sound. Opening the door, an odd light filled the closet.

    There was light coming in the windows. Not understanding, we all snaked our way out of the closet. Looking around there was water, sand, broken glass, candle wax coming into view. The groundsman made a dash to the main door.

    The door we could not hold open just a short time ago was now inviting us to go outside. Going to the door and peering out was surreal. What had seconds ago been a living nightmare was now a quiet, serene disaster. Trees, branches, planks, bricks, zinc sheets all strewn in a random yet blanketing manner across the complex.

    We ventured outside. Destruction everywhere. It was hard to comprehend. No one was saying anything, trying to take in, trying to understand what we were seeing.

    And then we looked up at the sky.

    Parts 6, 5, 4, 3, 2 and 1
    Negril.com - For the vacation that never ends!

  2. #2

    User Info Menu

    Re: Thirty Years Ago on the Beach - #7 Building

    and then......

    Any photos?

  3. #3

    User Info Menu

    Re: Thirty Years Ago on the Beach - #7 Building

    No photos, at the time no one felt like taking pictures. It was more a survival thing.
    Negril.com - For the vacation that never ends!

  4. #4

    User Info Menu

    Re: Thirty Years Ago on the Beach - #7 Building

    We're all in this together and none of us is getting out alive.

  5. #5

    User Info Menu

    Re: Thirty Years Ago on the Beach - #7 Building

    Please read the installments from the beginning. It will help make sense of each part!
    Negril.com - For the vacation that never ends!

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