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Thread: Need for long pants/ jeans?

  1. #1

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    Need for long pants/ jeans?

    Having a hard time convincing my other half who's never been to Jamaica nor the Caribbean that the long jeans he plans on flying there in will be all he needs. He's insistent on wanting to pack multiple pairs. I've told him shorts and swim trunks is all he will need besides his lounger pants in the evenings and his one pair of long jeans to go out to dinner. Thoughts from you guys?

  2. #2

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    Re: Need for long pants/ jeans?

    In my 20 years of travel in Jamaica I can't remember wearing long jeans. Probably should have on scooters but....
    [/image.php?code=0XT1330613XXX14th reach. soon come[/img][/url]

  3. #3

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    Re: Need for long pants/ jeans?

    Just got back from 16 days in Negril, and except for church on Sunday never put on long pants.

  4. #4

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    Re: Need for long pants/ jeans?

    I don't bring any jeans...bottoms out at 72-74 degrees in Negril by daybreak....since I do leave for the airport in late January from Chicago I just slip lightweight warm ups over my cargo shorts & they come off once I get to my gate...they never get worn again til I get my luggage back home at ORD....heck you live in your bathing suit the majority of the day....gotta chuckle at the folks who I see have no idea how HOT & HUMID it's going to be when they get off that plane in MoBay all dressed in winter clothes head to toe...some in leather coats..Listen to your other half Strangelandastar she knows what she's talking about...less is more applies here a lot less!!! I make a list of what I used (clothes in this case) at the end of my 6 weeks stay every year & adjust if needed the next year...NowMY other half thinks I'm nuts til she see's every year how she way over packed again in 4 trips..& here's the kicker...she's always overweight with the same amount of clothes at MoBay check in going home...it all the moisture from the humidity...all the clothes are a Huge sponge....maybe this coming trip she'll get it...2019 will be 26 years....soon come

  5. #5

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    Re: Need for long pants/ jeans?

    I take off my jeans at the airport & change to shorts & never put them on again any of our 8 trips. It's HOT & HUMID Even while there in Feb. once during a cold snap I didn't need them. Sometimes I change into capris or beach dress in the evening but never long pants. Would unnecessarily take up room in the luggage. I remember our first trip 16 years ago we had 2 big suitcases packed with stuff we never wore. It seems like each time we come I pack less & less. Most of my time is spent in a bathing suit & cover up anyway. Pack light

  6. #6

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    Re: Need for long pants/ jeans?

    the only reason i would consider packing more than one pair of jeans is if i were planning on hiking a lot, as those situations tend to be muddy and buggy. other than that, jeans aren't really needed.

    but, you may just have to let him over-pack and find out for himself.

  7. #7

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    Re: Need for long pants/ jeans?

    Lucky to even get me in a shirt?
    Long pants?......ahahaha!
    Not this climate

  8. #8

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    Re: Need for long pants/ jeans?

    Have never worn pants in Jamaica. I mostly pack swimsuits and flip-flops.

  9. #9

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    Re: Need for long pants/ jeans?

    I get on the plane in a sundress, even with the Minnesota weather and the other half wears jeans. That's the only time he wears them.

  10. #10

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    Re: Need for long pants/ jeans?

    Two pair dress pants
    One dark blue blazer
    One tie
    Two white shirts
    One pair black shoes
    Two pair khaki every day pants

    Other than that mostly shorts and flip flops

    Linston's Zion Hill Taxi

    Captain Dave

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