My soon to be trip back starts on a Enthusiastic note as they all do~
Packing..unpacking..and packing again, Checking with the airlines for any last minute (i forgot to check when I booked) baggage changes (fees)

Wait for it.......wait for it......YEP there it is..we changed our policy again, No more 2 bags checked international..Now you get one
$60 round trip..(Is the stuff I have here worth $60..well I think so...
But now im mad!.." I got a american express card that they talked me into so I can get a 2nd free bag " well no mam..that is only domestic know ..just in the u.s. of a
NOW I think (know) I have been duped, I argue with the airlines ..and Husband is tired of hearing I get my back side up and and figure ill just wear every freeking thing I have a layer at a time save $60.. at this point it is the principal now and I choose to stand my ground~