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Thread: Treasure Beach 2020 Who’s Down When???

  1. #141

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    Re: Treasure Beach 2020 Who’s Down When???

    The silly restrictions in Michigan have been loosened a bit, stay at home extended to May 15 (with talk of extending further). The weather is making a nice turn-around so we have also been able to be outside - get some vit D and fresh air!! I hear ya on the hockey - I grew up in Detroit. Hockey Night in Canada was huge in our house!!

  2. #142

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    Re: Treasure Beach 2020 Who’s Down When???

    Just checking in to make sure everyone is safe. We are fine - first Covid, then major flooding (two dams broke not too far from us - luckily we did not get any of the water, but many people lost their homes), now the heat. All is good as we are safe and healthy. Worried about our February trip - who knows what will happen by then, but we have the place booked, have not looked at getting airline tickets yet (not excited about flying any time soon). We are taking a few road trips this year - have not been to the UP in Michigan for years, so rented an isolated cabin. Also thinking of heading to the smokey mountains in September - again, driving and renting a cabin. Not sure I am liking the new normal, but it is what it is - hope everyone is ok!!!

  3. #143

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    Re: Treasure Beach 2020 Who’s Down When???

    Hey Rumghoul, how are you guys keeping. Have things settled down virus wise in your state? Our province blew up in the fall and we have been in full lockdown, but all of us have stayed healthy so can’t complain. Are you heading south this year? I am hearing zero cases of covid in treasure beach so that is great news! Johng, all good with your family as well? Seems weird not planning for a trip this year, but we kind of planned on skipping this year as we redid our roof at home, bumped up some insulation and did some overall Reno’s, so knew we were directing funds elsewhere. We couldn’t have picked a better year to skip I guess....do find myself pouring through pics and and yearning for some warm sun and sea smells!
    “One good thing about music, when it hits you, you feel no pain.”
    ― Bob Marley

  4. #144

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    Re: Treasure Beach 2020 Who’s Down When???

    hey_mon - great to hear from you - have been thinking of you. Also glad to hear you have all stayed healthy!! We have stayed healthy also. Our state has eased some restrictions and there is talk about opening restaurants in the next month or so - we will see. I have been happy to see many places are starting to embrace winter and making outdoor spaces with firepits and just being creative. We spent 2020 traveling around Michigan and have plans to do so again in 2021. Treasure Beach has to wait another year for us also - you did pick the right year to skip for sure. They have not had any cases and times are very tough for them but at the same time I am not sure they want tourists coming in right now. I have talked with a few friends in Treasure Beach and when I told them we decided to push our trip back a year not one of them has said we should reconsider and come. It makes me very sad not to be looking forward to our February trip but photos and great memories will have to do this year.

  5. #145

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    Re: Treasure Beach 2020 Who’s Down When???

    Yes, pictures and memories have to suffice for this year. Will make the next trip down that much sweeter for sure! We spend summers at our cabin just an hour north of where we live so every weekend from mid May to mid October this year as the weather was great. We don’t venture up in the winter even though it is a four season. Got used to staying in the city as all of our kids played hockey so never the time to spend at the cabin, only the hockey rink. Now that they are older and only play beer league we could, but the break is nice to hunker down at home for the winter. Not really much of a winter person, more of a let’s take off to jamaica person!!! Have you been watching any of the world Junior hockey? We have just beat the Russians so tomorrow night it’s either the Finns or Team USA! I love watching this age, they play with such passion, and with no NHL up to now it has filled a great void. You had mentioned that you were thinking of renting a cabin in the Smokey mountains? Where abouts, and when? What state would that be in, Tennessee? My travel through the states has been limited to the Dakotas, Minnesota and Tennessee. Did the Beale Street Music Festival with 4 girlfriends for my 50th. We stayed for 10 days, did the festival, did Beale Street, shopped, ate, drank, and had a blast. My 60th is coming up this May but can’t even think about where or what I could do for that. Will we even be travelling.......I kind of doubt it. Our eldest son lives in Vancouver in BC so maybe go out there for a week. Who knows, such a crazy world we are living in these days. Glad to hear you guys have stayed healthy! Keep in touch, always nice to hear from you. I know this is a Jamaican forum but feel free to pop up some Smokey mountain pics or other travels through Michigan. That’s a fairly close drive for us, have a sister in law in Sault Ste. Marie Ontario, so just over the border from there! Take care, stay healthy.
    “One good thing about music, when it hits you, you feel no pain.”
    ― Bob Marley

  6. #146

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    Re: Treasure Beach 2020 Who’s Down When???

    We ended up cancelling our Smokey Mtn trip too - we were going to stay in the smokeys in North Carolina, then hit Asheville for a few days before coming home. For that trip we originally were going to go to Sardinia Italy, that got cancelled so we looked at North Carolina, that got cancelled so we went to Frankfurt Michigan - still had a great time. Once you can get into Michigan (I think borders are still closed both ways but not sure) you should visit the UP - we hiked the pictured rocks this summer and had a great time. I have not been to the UP in so long - we are going back this summer. Although if you have a cabin close to home that is a nice option. I have never been a winter person either, but I really like snowshoeing. I think if we had winter here I might like it more because I could do something outside (I don't ski - never liked that - could be the heights I don't like). Here is a picture of pictured rock hike - we did the long hike (I think it was 7 or 8 miles) but the views were worth every step! Stay safe and keep in touch!Name:  Pictured Rocks.jpg
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  7. #147

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    Re: Treasure Beach 2020 Who’s Down When???

    I have my JA hat on so it could be relevant to the JA site lol

  8. #148

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    Re: Treasure Beach 2020 Who’s Down When???

    Although I don't bother with negril.com anymore as a result of it's encouragement to travel to JA during the pandemic, commercial content and the way many members have been treated disrespectfully I couldn't pass on the Rumghoul and hey_mon comments.

    I have so far made it through the pandemic in good health, and family too. Glad to hear you both are doing well although I do hope that hey_mon can sleep again after the 2-0 butt whupping the US Juniors laid on the Canadian Lads. Regardless of the score you gotta admit that the hockey was far more entertaining than recent NHL games.

    Rumghoul despite your numerous changes in travel plans I applaud your decision not traveling to Jamaica, you too hey_mon, during these dangerous days of Covid. Unfortunately many foreigners, mostly Americans, have not heeded the advice of both the Jamaican and American governments not to travel at this time due to the emergency. As such it has stretched the medical capacities to the limit.

    Wishing you all the best and hope that before too long it will be safe again to return to the roots rock vibrations of Treasure Beach!

  9. #149

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    Re: Treasure Beach 2020 Who’s Down When???

    Hey johng - good to hear from you!!! Glad you and family are doing ok so far. We will be embracing Michigan again this year - wherever you live your state can surprise you at how much it has to offer.

    I rebooked Villa Du soleil for February - 2022 Soon come mon

  10. #150

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    Re: Treasure Beach 2020 Who’s Down When???

    Rumghoul that photo is spectacular!! It looks breathtaking, I guess literally as well as figuratively after an 8 mile hike. It really was a year to take in some of the countryside at home and will continue for the next year I think. Sounds like you guys did it up right this past year! I cannot see crossing any borders at this time, even within our own country. Our eldest been on the west coast through out this and is really feeling the effects of missing his family, have cancelled that flight three times now, but travel is not wise and we are having a heck of a time getting our numbers back down. I leave more nose prints on the windows these days than the pets...lol. I can’t see going too far, but have crossed fingers for 2022 as well Rumghoul, and with any luck maybe retire that year in January and pack our bags for a nice 60-90 day stay on the island. Would love to have a better look around, and see some of the mountainside that we only ever seem to drive through but never stay at. Fingers crossed!

    And alas John’s, our juniors did not fare well that game!! At least we kept the cup on our continent!!! And yes, nothing better than watching the junior tournament over the holidays. I love the speed and passion that they play with, and see the teams gain strength and become more cohesive every game. It is truly on of my favourite parts of the holidays! Maybe next year!

    Stay safe and healthy, and as long as we have on a Jamaican hat or a red stripe in hand we can keep it Jamaican on here and still share pics of our hi jinx over the next year, till it’s toes in the sand and that sweet Caribbean Sea in the background!
    “One good thing about music, when it hits you, you feel no pain.”
    ― Bob Marley

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