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Thread: Kinda Bummed but still looking forward to March reach

  1. #11

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    Re: Kinda Bummed but still looking forward to March reach

    Quote Originally Posted by Kold Ass Mofo View Post
    "Land of the Free and Home of the Brave"? - my kold a$$ it is.

    In Texas is it illegal to take more than three sips of beer at a time while standing.
    Yeah and I bet that rasta hat of yours is illegal to wear in Texas. I assume you guys heard about the cases (2 of them!) where schoolkids were asked to cut off their dreads...

  2. #12

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    Re: Kinda Bummed but still looking forward to March reach

    They are prosecuting the cases that happen before that farm bill passed ..

    This happened in 2018 .. that bill passed in 2019 but imho it should be retroactive and the wording is ambiguous so the DA's going for the money grabs are pushing it ... makes NO sense !


  3. #13

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    Re: Kinda Bummed but still looking forward to March reach

    Quote Originally Posted by jamman View Post
    They are prosecuting the cases that happen before that farm bill passed ..

    This happened in 2018 .. that bill passed in 2019 but imho it should be retroactive and the wording is ambiguous so the DA's going for the money grabs are pushing it ... makes NO sense !
    As Charlie Brown would say: Oh Good Grief. Sorry that your lovely vacation plans were derailed by the "criminal" justice system.

  4. #14

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    Re: Kinda Bummed but still looking forward to March reach

    These antiquated “controlled“ substances laws are something we don’t hear many politicians discussing. If CBD is sold in most (if not all) States, why is this not an issue to be addressed by our state and federal representatives? I know the pharmaceutical and medical community avoid the subject because they haven’t figured out how to profit from it yet, but I’m pretty sure they’re working on it. They often point out that more “research” is needed on cannabis before it can be prescribed or legalized nationally, but opioids are still prescribed in massive amounts and they know the damage opioids have and still do. The hypocrisy of both the medical and legal community is astounding, yet they hardly ever address it. Jamman, I hope you or your son have contacted your U.S. senator’s about your sons case. Although it may not be resolved in time for this trip, if you don’t escalate this issue, it will never go away on its own. You definitely need an advocate to resolve this. Really sorry this situation has spoiled your travel plans.

    Dr. J

  5. #15

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    Re: Kinda Bummed but still looking forward to March reach

    I live in Dallas. Texas is attractive to many for the “no income tax” but they get their money elsewhere.. their criminal/penal system generates top dollars in the US for bulls hit like this and plain just being “*******s” .. last week I had a kitchen fire (thankfully minimal damage) and the fire dept and
    Police came... cop
    Saw my pipe and was threatening to arrest me and giving me the hardest time. He gave me a paraphernalia ticket which cost me $290 to pay....

  6. #16

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    Re: Kinda Bummed but still looking forward to March reach

    Yeah Texas is great at keeping the jails and prisons full to capacity and making top $$$'s

    Pursuing the State Rep for escalating this issue ..

    Unfortunately looks like the entire reach is going be be scrapped for all of us ..

    My son and his soon to be bride are so pissed and bummed about this they were looking forward to this for a long time

    Getting one year flight vouchers and refunds for hotels today ...

    Thanks for listening to all ..

    It really sucks


  7. #17

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    Re: Kinda Bummed but still looking forward to March reach

    Become a personal friend of Donald Trump and then attorney general Barr would dismiss the charges against your son.

  8. #18

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    Re: Kinda Bummed but still looking forward to March reach


  9. #19

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    Re: Kinda Bummed but still looking forward to March reach

    I'm so sorry this is happening to you guys.


  10. #20

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    Re: Kinda Bummed but still looking forward to March reach

    We will likely reschedule within the next year .. so all is not totally lost


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