Living In A world of uncertainty we must make the most of each and every day!
Each morning I plant my feet solidly on the floor, reach high above my head, take a deep breath, grateful for another day.
At some point during the day, I read the new posts and give thanks for a great source of information. For those who host this forum, THANK YOU!
While some posts inspire me and keep me living vicariously through their posts, other posts I find unnecessary, more so now than ever before! Friends we are living in a world of uncertainty; a world full of hatred, anxiety, depression, hunger, and pure aggravation! Why all the negative, judgmental, sarcastic comments regarding someone’s airport experience? Everyone’s circumstances and experiences are different. I recently had the opportunity to visit Negril again and my airport experience was completely different.
Since day one of this pandemic, I have followed the Prime Minister’s press conferences and I commend the Jamaican Government for their vigilance to maintain the health and safety of their people and thank them for allowing us to gain entry into their country. I followed the protocols and had a glorious 17-day experience. Yes, the beach was much deserted; water clear and cool, a few locals were out and about with smiles abound; most hotels and restaurants still closed, no excursions or music available. For the most part, I cooked my own meals, and listened to my own music. At the end of my stay more hotels and restaurants were opening, more tourists were coming to the island. So, if you have the opportunity to go, there are people waiting with smiles and elbow bumps to greet you.
Be positive; stay positive! What are you grateful for?