Here's the WhatsApp number that's been most successful... 876-542-6006
It can be found & more info in this thread...
Enjoy your vacay....Jamaicamecrazy😎
Here's the WhatsApp number that's been most successful... 876-542-6006
It can be found & more info in this thread...
Enjoy your vacay....Jamaicamecrazy😎
Thanks so much!
Thanks Lisa hope you and Rob can stop by Fun holiday and have a late 60th bday drink with Mike and I. Nov. 7-14th.
The WhatsApp number for MOH is 876-542-6006 make sure u add to your contacts first so it shows up .
I came in today from Canada. Had my ETA paper ready. I landed at 1045am, did a screening, customs, etc..was outside by 1115am. I could not believe how quick it was. Was organized and effectient almost quicker then before the pandemic. Anyways I'm here now and happy to be in my happy place!
For those of you looking for where to get your test. Your local health dept have labs that have the proper credentials (double check to make sure) and many state health Depts offer free tests. The wife and I both received our results the next day
July 1993*, Feb 2003, Aug 2005, April 2007, Feb 2008, Feb 2009, April 2010, Nov 2010, Nov 2011, Nov 2012, March 2013*, Nov 2013, Nov 2014, March 2015*, Nov 2015*, April 2016*, Oct 2016, Nov 2017*, May 2018*, Nov 2018*, Oct/Nov 2019*, Dec 2020*, Dec 2021*, May 2022* (Portland), Dec 2022* (Irish Town/Strawberry Hill), Dec 2023*, Dec 2024*, Dec 2025*
Just saw that the site has extended the requirements from Sept. 30th thru Oct. 6th now.
Coming in from Canada on October 3rd, applied for authorization this morning and received it within a couple of minutes. I'm good to go.