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Thread: The M&M Trip report is back!!!!

  1. #1

    User Info Menu

    The M&M Trip report is back!!!!

    Negative Covid Test - check!!!

    Travel Authorization - check!!!

    Negril, here we come. Land at MBJ at 1240pm on Saturday. Next report on Sunday morning. Complete with pics!!

  2. #2

    User Info Menu

    Re: The M&M Trip report is back!!!!

    Are you sure you don't live in Jamaica & only visit the US periodically?! 😁

  3. #3

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    Re: The M&M Trip report is back!!!!

    According to the Countdown on my countdown app, we have 2399 more days until you are right!!! But who's counting??

  4. #4

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    Re: The M&M Trip report is back!!!!

    Waiting ........ LOL

  5. #5

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    Re: The M&M Trip report is back!!!!

    Yep, sorry for the delay, but we are having too much fun. I'm not telling anyone what to do, but if you are comfortable traveling right now, you live in a place where the protocols don't burden your life too much before you leave or after you get back then you should seriously consider coming down. It is great down here, the weather is awesome and the place is totally empty. It is pretty sad to know that one year ago exactly the hotel we use was full (54 rooms) and this year we are literally the only room being used. Lots of places are closed, hopefully not permanently.

    We arrived on Saturday and immediately hit the road for Negril, we arrived in Negril about 3pm after a stop in Green Island to load up on Rum and Red Stripe and to exchange a little currency (138 to 1 was the rate). We drive right by the hotel and head up to Red Ground to visit the troops at Red Dragon and then a stop at Collette's Bar before heading to the hotel to check in. Hit the beach for a little toes in the sand thing and then we went down to Canoe to catch the end of the 2-1 run punch special and then to Chicken Lavish for some curry goat. Might have set a new record by being in bed before 8pm, but we have to get up pretty early to make these Negril vacations a reality, so the alarm going off at 245am and the beer and rum consumed during the day might have done us in.

    A special treat the next morning as I was invited by a friend to accompany him on his boat for an early morning fishing trip. We left the beach at Rondel at about 6am and trolled out to the Lighthouse. We trolled for larger fish for a couple of hours and then moved to deeper water and did some deep line casting for snapper. The line went down about 800-900 feet and took forever to come up (luckily they had electric reels that kept them from having to crank their arms off). I had never done anything like this so it was a great adventure. Alas, though, no real fish to speak of, so I guess that is why the call it Fishing and not Catching!!

    The rest of the day was spent at the beach and waiting for the Super Bowl, which we managed to watch about 80% of, and we got to bed at about 945pm. A great sunset that night that I will post below. This was the first NSD (No Shoes Day) of the trip and that always makes it a good day!!!

    Monday started out very cloudy, but soon the sun was out and the beach was beautiful. We were invited to a friends house for lunch so we did that after spending a couple of hours on the beach and after lunch we went back to Red Dragon and then Collette's again and then down to Natural Mystic (Susan's Bar) for a little while before heading back to the hotel. Our friend did such a great job with lunch (salad, fried plantains, curry chicken, pan fried green beans and ice cream with Otaheite Apple sauce on top) that we didn't really need dinner. Another early night which is great.

    It rained a little on my early morning beach walk this morning, but current conditions are sunny, so it looks like a day of mostly hanging out under the almond tree at Rondel and doing mostly nothing.

    A few pics:

    The Super Bowl Sunset that I mentioned earlier

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    Tony has some freaking cold beers!!!!

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    The tree at the top of the beach where the all-inclusives start, when we were here in November the tree was sitting about 20 feet from the waterline, today it is in the water. The beach is a little smaller than it was in November as you can see.

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    I love the colors of a sunrise as you look west as the sun is rising in the east.

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    If you need me, I'll be right here!!! (no ugly feet comments please!!)

    Name:  beach feet.jpg
Views: 2233
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    More posts later in the week, cheers!!!


  6. #6

    User Info Menu

    Re: The M&M Trip report is back!!!!

    Great pics and report! I should be there now as well (All this week I keep imagining where I'd be if I was there now.. Like listening to Luddy and the boys at Drifters on Sun afternoon, Tonys hut before Roots on Monday night...etc)... UGH!!!
    Go Bills!

  7. #7

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    Re: The M&M Trip report is back!!!!

    This is great to hear. Arriving tomorrow! Very soon come!

  8. #8

    User Info Menu

    Re: The M&M Trip report is back!!!!

    Wow!!!...... Thanks for the Report !!!!!!

  9. #9

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    Re: The M&M Trip report is back!!!!

    Name:  208.JPG
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    That's my favorite position!

  10. #10

    User Info Menu

    Re: The M&M Trip report is back!!!!

    The beer at Montana's is the coldest actually has ice on the bottle and Tony and dDamian are great to party with see you at Delroy's happy hours

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