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Thread: TiCtOc pon di rock LIVE AND DIRECT **TRIP REPORT** On a Zero budget.

  1. #851

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    Re: TiCtOc pon di rock LIVE AND DIRECT **TRIP REPORT** On a Zero budget.

    Quote Originally Posted by Hussyband View Post
    Wholesome? Hehe... Did you miss the scrub a dub adventures? Free spirited, I can get on board with that, but much of the entertainment value in this thread is in the decidedly unwholesome aspect.
    That's the best part I think! Most people don't have the cojones to write about the after hours stuff that goes on...most reports all all you get are pics of food and the beach. Sorry, but I am not interested in looking at what someone ate everyday. So thank you Tic for your bold I don't care what you think of me writing style...see you in a few weeks! Woohoo!
    "Don't gain the world and lose your soul, wisdom is better than silver and gold" R.N.M

  2. #852

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    Re: TiCtOc pon di rock LIVE AND DIRECT **TRIP REPORT** On a Zero budget.

    Why is this tagged on this old post? Are you there now? So why not a new thread about this misadventure?
    Trip #59 most of February

  3. #853

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    Re: TiCtOc pon di rock LIVE AND DIRECT **TRIP REPORT** On a Zero budget.

    Leaving England was an experience in itself , it was 5am I had not been to bed and my holiday always starts with the chitter chatter in the taxi or when I arrive at the airport and see all the Jamaicans all blinged up for their trip so I call them the bling bling and rae rae crew as it is entertaining watching them run in on last minute and jump up and down on their suitcases and then get mad when nothing fits right and then looking at all the latest fashions and styles they are wearing and hearing all the rae rae rae it certainly brightens up a 5am start for a loong journey.
    So my taxi driver arrives I was so excited well I kid you not , this English man had to be the most boring poker faced miserable individual on the whole planet I told him I was going on holiday and could hardly contain my excitement and I think he just gave one grunt then NOTHING the whole journey which was quite uncomfortable sat in silence trying to contain my excitement of my first ever solo flight I was to be flying out jetting around the world alone for the first time ever in my whole life and I have a lot of celebrations to be celebrating and all this po faced man wanted to say was one grunt.My word
    So I dismissed his miserable negative attitude and looked to the hills on the motorway , covered in black sky and with the usual freezing rain pouring down on them and started day dreaming about the real hills of Jamaica with a blue sky and warm rain.Excitement and entertainment was soon to come as I would soon be in a group with the bling bling and rae rae club .
    I arrived at the airport- NO BLING BLING AND RAE RAE
    OMG NO BLING BLING AND RAE RAE where are they all? I know for a fact they would have jumped on this bargain flight where are bling bling and rae rae I needed them after that disaster taxi drive journey for my first solo adventure, I thought for a minute hey it's early they always come late chill out
    so I was planning to chill out when I was told I had to go through 24 lines of security queue backed up round and round and round the airport NIGHTMARE
    and not one Jamaican in sight , this was odd.I asked was I in the correct line, everyone was moaning and everyone was coughing and sneezing all over each other eww disgusting cannot wait to get out of england I thought to myself, the only place where people cougha nd sneeze near or on you instead of away from you.It was shortly after 5am and coughing all over me in a cramped up 24 line squashed up line was making me feel mad and claustrophobic , My exciting trip was going stale already.Boo hoo for me.
    Eventually got on the plane and thought YES we can leave soon but lo and behold yet another disaster.
    A lady with a partner over in Jamaica who she had babies to SNEAKED one of her babies through the 24 lines before security and onto the plane , the rules are ONE infant per adult, she had 3 kids 2 were infants she got her eldest daughter to hold the new born baby making it look like she came out of the car seat but inside the car seat she was hiding another baby.security came threw her off-threw her bags off she lost all her money, she was crying,I do not know what happened to her once they escorted her off the plane, so we were delayed an hour.JUST GREAT I THINK NOT...more coughing in my face continues and I wonder who the hell I get lumbered with sitting next to.
    I got two gay men
    who as it happened saved the whole day as I have absolutely no idea why no Jamaicans were on the plane bar about 5 people I can only think it was mainly sold as holiday packages and then on the last minute they sold the remaining seats as cheap flights.I have never travelled to Jamaica before without about 70 percent minimum being filled with Jamaicans.
    So everyone was white english British people boring, moaning, coughing, being their usual miserable selves, the people I pay to get the hell away from as they are so depressing and I can't take it!
    So there was 3 seats, mine was one of them next to two gay men
    They had never been to Jamaica before they were so excited and they had planned their excursions and they kept asking me about this and that and they gave me some red wine, I HATE red wine normally but after the first few sips it was better than nothing as the stupid rubbish service on the plane was non-existant, no blankets no cocktails no drinks which they advertised just beer or wine and I do not really like either and certainly was not paying what they were charging for something I dislike, so the gay guys supplied me with red wine , 2 annoying childish teen girls to the side of me screeching like hyenas making stupid remarks for about 5 hours of the journey and coughing again omg get me off this plane.
    We landed thank you God adios amigos
    get to immigration in JA nooooooooooooooooooo 13 lines long long lines of immigration as our plane was delayed so now 3 came in at once.
    Took me ages to get out of there.
    Got a lovely lady asking me did I want a drink while I called my ride I looked at her price board it said 2 dollars for a patty which i thought was reasonable so assumed drinks would be too, she brought it and said 800j EIGHT HUNDRED JMD i gave her 1000j she kept the change without asking.You could neither smell or taste the rum do not bother with a drink at the airport any more it used to b my first stop, now I find it pathetic and something to avoid.Would not mind so much if I could smell or taste the rum just tasted like 20 cent tropical juice to me bleh waste of time, But as I walked through about 200 manic people all trying to get attention of either me or someone else I stroll through them all silent and oblivious and happy that HEY I'M BACK I AM HOME YAYYYY I was so happy I could hear soundsystems, patois, feel the hot air , see the views.I was back and I don't ever want to go home STOP MAKING ME!

  4. #854

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    Re: TiCtOc pon di rock LIVE AND DIRECT **TRIP REPORT** On a Zero budget.

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  5. #855

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    Re: TiCtOc pon di rock LIVE AND DIRECT **TRIP REPORT** On a Zero budget.

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  6. #856

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    Re: TiCtOc pon di rock LIVE AND DIRECT **TRIP REPORT** On a Zero budget.

    Aww the Baby and sorry about all the miserable!! Ok so on to fun and family and really good Rum Punch!!

  7. #857

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    Re: TiCtOc pon di rock LIVE AND DIRECT **TRIP REPORT** On a Zero budget.

    Bling bling, and rae rae, lol. That baby is so cute.

  8. #858

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    Re: TiCtOc pon di rock LIVE AND DIRECT **TRIP REPORT** On a Zero budget.

    OMG about the coughing. On our way home I sat next to a woman who coughed the whole way without covering her mouth. I had my sweatshirt jacket over my face the whole ride. When we got to baggage claim she was laying on the floor while her husband retrieved the luggage. She was so sick!

  9. #859

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    Re: TiCtOc pon di rock LIVE AND DIRECT **TRIP REPORT** On a Zero budget.

    Quote Originally Posted by MoFromMonroe View Post
    OMG about the coughing. On our way home I sat next to a woman who coughed the whole way without covering her mouth. I had my sweatshirt jacket over my face the whole ride. When we got to baggage claim she was laying on the floor while her husband retrieved the luggage. She was so sick!

    its awful!!

    sorry I am a few days behind with this report guys and gals, I have had a few things going on also had an exam online which took up pretty much all of yesterday I think I will be going down to south coast later today and I have no internet connection there for a week so I am not sure how I will connect.I bet I have to wait booooo I tried to figure out the dongle thing but I get conflicting advice, I think I need a modem plus a dongle and the modem is 10,000j

  10. #860

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    Re: TiCtOc pon di rock LIVE AND DIRECT **TRIP REPORT** On a Zero budget.

    great pics and report so far! 11 more days...can't wait..it is cloudy and drizzling here today..

    Sometimes it's better to beg for forgiveness than ask for permission.

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