Thank so much for the on-site trip report VVHT!
Sitting in my balcony, waiting for coffee to be ready around 8am.
Headed to the pool soon for my last swim before packing.
Checked in with my flight, but bumba clot Attestation form won’t complete its process, so will have to get that done at the airport.
Wicked argument going on from the fisherman’s village across the lane. Some woman is screaming at her man for a number of transgressions!
Watched Croatia beat Brazil yesterday.
The Garret and Flem picked me up for a tour of Orange Hill, Little London and Sav.
It turned into a classic old time Jiggy Bar Tour!
Even stopped at QQ Bar in Sav for the 2nd time this week. Forgot to pay my tab, but Rob will make amends next week when he goes to Sav.
Half way through the tour we stop at Garret’s Mom’s house in Sav.
Wonderful woman with a charming house. She offered to cook me Brown Stew pork on my next trip, and i accepted her offer!
Eventually made it back to Seastar and had dinner with Rob and Baker.
Made it an early night as I have a long travel day today.
It has been a wonderful trip and can’t wait for the next,
I have enjoyed your report and photos! I always hate to see departure day arrive. Sounds like you have had a blast! Safe travels!
Sounded like you had a great time, thanks.
Do you remember that area before the Seastar was built?
Where is sea grape?
The Seagrape photo I posted from last week's Beach Crawl is just north of Alfred's.