Soon Come...


7/22 - 7/29 VVHT @ Seastar
10/13 - 10/27 NegrilorBust @ Samsara
10/17 - 10/25 NjRob @ WS
10/16 - 11/3 t00thpix (Frank and Connie) @ Rondell
10/21 - 11/2 fargoman @ CCLP
11/3 - 11/17 lahoge @ WS/Half Moon Beach
11/6 - 11/14 msbaltimore @ Treehouse
11/15 - 11/29 1966 Hippie @ WS
11/16 - 11/30 Rumlover @ IAB
11/23 - 12/5 ukran1ans (& Corey, so far) @ WS
11/21 - 11/25 V&S716 (Vincent & Sarah) @ Rockhouse
11/30 - 12/14 Bikescott (group of 6 maybe more) @ WS
12/3 - 12/15 gregandkelly63 @ HSH/WS
12/7 - 12/14 Reggae Roy @ CCLP
12/17 - 12/26 stonyplainclint @ CSA
12/6 - 1/25 Nancy Marie (& Gerry) @ Caribbean Delight
12/27 - 1/16 t00thpix (Frank and Connie) @ Merrils II
12/30 - 1/14 fargoman @ CCLP


2/4 - 2/26 Rumlover @ NBCC
1/2 - 1/11 Jamaica_jeff (& Pam)
1/13 - 1/23 JahCruiser @ IAB/IAC
1/31 - 3/1 BikerMike (and crew)
2/3 - 2/10 Whitesandsok (Pam & Ron) @ CC
2/8 - 2/22 NeilFaherty (Rhonda, long time girlfriend) @ CCLP
2/27 - 3/11 fargoman @ CCLP
3/6 - 4/6 Nancy Marie (& Gerry) @ Caribbean Delight
3/14 - 3/24 GbV (& Bethy) @ IAB/Rockhouse
4/13 - 4/22 ukran1ans @ WS
4/16 - 4/26 LeftCoastTom (& son w/gf) @ WS