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Thread: Delicate Question

  1. #1

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    Delicate Question

    More directed at Rob and Lisa. Someone has asked whether it’s safe for a Lesbian couple with a toddler to travel to Jamaica. Having been married to a Jamaican for 13 years and being around Jamaicans for that long I honestly don’t know how to answer this. I know how Jamaicans feel in general about gay couples but in terms of safety?? My husband has told me stories that make me inclined to say it’s not safe. Not a light subject I understand. Rob feel free to delete if not appropriate. BA

  2. #2

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    Re: Delicate Question

    For what it's worth, a few years ago, my oldest daughter came down with her girl friend at the time (she's pansexual) for a few days ahead of me with my oldest grandson. I advised her to keep their affections private, which they did, and they were fine on their own (they wandered the beach, did a catamaran cruise, dinners out... etc).
    Go Bills!

  3. #3

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    Re: Delicate Question

    A totally appropriate question, which we receive from time to time. Years ago, some 20 years, Time Magazine (I think) stated that Jamaica was the most homophobic country in the world.

    Skip ahead these 20 years and the Prime Minister has stated that members of his cabinet are chosen for their ability, regardless of their sexual orientation. JFLAG, the major LGBTQ organization in Jamaica held a beach party with 1200 people attending last year. Somethings in Jamaica change very quickly.

    A great article for your friends to read is "How SAFE is it to be Gay in Jamaica?" by Rainbow Getaways:


    I chatted with Beaches Negril this morning and they said by all means are the couple and toddler welcome and will be pampered just as are all the other guests. Their nanny service would allow them to get off the property to see Negril.

    Although I don't know any of the particulars of the relationship with the toddler (age, adopted, biological, what the toddler calls each parent, etc.), I would like to point out a few caveats that I feel are necessary to clarify. Being a same sex couple with a child, they would be pushing the current boundaries of even some of the gay sympathizing Jamaicans. What you do behind closed doors with another consenting adult is one thing, but adding a child to the mix may be more than some "gay-friendly" Jamaicans would tolerate.

    So, if they want to come to Jamaica as a family, Beaches Negril is probably their best option. Stay on the property while with the toddler, which shouldn't be much of an issue since most excursions are not young toddler-friendly in the first place. If they want to venture out, let the nanny service handle the toddler and go out and enjoy themselves.

    Public displays of affection (PDA) is not really common in Jamaica, so to remain in the social norms, keep it to a minimum. Holding hands is fine, but heavy petting is not cool anywhere by anybody.
    Negril.com - For the vacation that never ends!

  4. #4

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    Re: Delicate Question

    Thanks guys. It was actually a question posted on this other site and got me thinking. Appreciate the responses! BA

  5. #5

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    Re: Delicate Question

    my cousin and her wife (girlfriend at the time) traveled with me and a group of friends. Nobody made them uncomfortable at anytime and they were treated like every other visitor.

  6. #6

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    Re: Delicate Question

    They treat women couples differently. A gay man in the wrong place is in danger. Sad, but that’s the reality. When I was in Puerto Rico a gay man told me he wasn’t welcomed in Jamaica. It’s pretty much a known fact.
    Last edited by BethAnn38; 04-21-2023 at 06:02 PM.

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