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Thread: Beach Adventure (mini trip report)

  1. #1

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    Beach Adventure (mini trip report)

    WeÂ’re staying at Catcha and finally got down to the beach last night. Our plan was a little walk on the beach, have a couple beers, then on to Flag City for supper (highly recommended).

    Our first beer stop was Roots. Roots was my daughterÂ’s old haunt when she was a younger woman. I thought IÂ’d get a picture there for her.

    Tracy was bar tending. Just as our drinks came we heard a commotion from the seaside of the bar.

    A late middle aged man had fallen out. His family and friends were trying to revive him. I thought I may be able to help so I approached the group.

    A woman said to me are you a Dr.?

    I said No, IÂ’m a first responder (lifeguard).

    The woman said to me, “Jump in!!!”

    The man at this point was slumped in a chair. His color was pasty. His breathing was ragged. None of his group knew what was wrong with him.

    The manÂ’s head was slumped as far forward as possible. I thought this maybe affecting his breathing. I cradled his head in an upright position and he began breathing a little easier.

    With his head supported he started to breath easier. I encouraged him. I saw no indication of stroke in his face. I started to think “too much sun”.

    I continued to talk easy to him and support his head. I got him to clear his throat. He started coming around, not talking but moving his head on his own.

    Often people that have an episode are embarrassed afterwards so I went back to my spot.

    I continued to watch him as he seemed to recover. His color was still horrible and he had no strength. He tried to walk twice but couldnÂ’t. Then he went back into his slump.

    His wife (an RN) asked me what I thought. I said, IÂ’m just a lifeguard but IÂ’d get him checked out by medical people.

    They took it slow, fanning him. After a while two men from Roots helped walk him out to the medical transport.

    Anyhoo thatÂ’s probably my most dramatic beach adventure . . . it may be my only beach adventure.

    I said to Tracy, this was a big deal for me and for you itÂ’s just a day on the job.

    She confirmed this, telling us, about a week ago a woman on blood thinners had accidentally stabbed herself in the thigh and bled all the way to the hospital.

  2. #2

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    Re: Beach Adventure (mini trip report)


    Thank you for stepping in and helping!



  3. #3

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    Re: Beach Adventure (mini trip report)

    WHT, of course!

  4. #4

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    Re: Beach Adventure (mini trip report)

    Something sort of like this happened to me years ago on the beach in front of Mark's Hurricane Bar. I started to get up from a bench and swooned right down into the sand. It turned out to be dehydration. Now I always order water on the side with my rum. I'm glad this story had a happy ending.

  5. #5

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    Re: Beach Adventure (mini trip report)

    Amen brother!

    I’ve experienced severe dehydration too.
    It is scary.
    And heat stroke kills people with some frequency.

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