Wondering if anyone knows the current price on a jug of clamato juice at any of the grocery stores around. Usually the green value master and the Hi-Lo had a supply of one liter jugs. Trying to figure out my weight allowances for packing. Thanks
Wondering if anyone knows the current price on a jug of clamato juice at any of the grocery stores around. Usually the green value master and the Hi-Lo had a supply of one liter jugs. Trying to figure out my weight allowances for packing. Thanks
If you are worried about something, do something about it. If there is nothing you can do, why worry!
From one Winnipeger to another, bring as much as you can. Clamato is available at the Green Grocer and HiLo but the price might be hard to swallow (pun intended). The last Time I checked the price for the small 900ml jug was about $1,200J.
Go Bombers!!
I'm going to have to try the clamato juice at some point. I am a Bloody Mary and Bloody Maria fan but with our northern neighbors' obsession with this stuff, I think I am missing out! You don't mix beer in there or chase it with beer like the Wisconsin people do, do you?
Caesar Pleaser powder will be packed instead. Thanks folks.
If you are worried about something, do something about it. If there is nothing you can do, why worry!
The Canoe has a great Caesar !