Quote Originally Posted by Rob View Post
I am talking with Kingston as to the WTF they would upgrade an area that has so little traffic that a sidewalk isn't necessary.

When I know, I will let everyone know. But knowing Jamaica, once a project starts, stopping it is stupid. It may never be able to start again.

So for the far West End, my lucky friends, enjoy it when it is done!
Is it possible Rob, that they are doing that area because they can. Development or re-development of that portion of the road means they, (National Works Agency) can widen the road and build sidewalks. Re-development of the road from Church corner to the Lighthouse mean the Government would have to appropriate the front yards of many many houses and businesses in that area. Fences and walls would have to be removed and in some cases whole buildings would have to be moved or removed. A monumental if not impossible task. At least this way NWA at least looks like they're doing something for Negril.

How about doing something about the insane driving on Cliff Road. That would be a good start.