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Thread: US Citizen moving to Negril???

  1. #1

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    US Citizen moving to Negril???

    Hello All,
    Been a long time since I've posted anything, or even viewed the Negril board. I apologize in advance, as this is going to be a long and emotional post, at least for me. I am looking at moving to Negril from the US and need advise, but I got to tell my story first, sorry.
    I've started coming to JA in late 90's -- Bob Seger 'Sunspot Baby' is what made me want to come to Negril. I've been to manty other Carib islands, but nothing compares to JA, for me. Over the course of 30 years, I've stayed at numerous spots along the beach and cliffs, although while Blue Cave Castle was open, that was my go to. I'm not sure exactly how many trips I've been down - quit counting long ago, and impossible to tell by looking at passport now, as they don't stamp, but I'd guess just under 30. In fact, I was in JA when they quit stamping, so if you look at my passport, it would appear that I'm still there from my 2021 or so trip. I've been down during every month of the calendar, and used to spend the entire month of Oct.
    I live in eastern KY, in the mountains. While far from a Carib environment, I've created my own Island paradise on top of mountain, and it IS a true Shangri-La. With sunset views that rival those from the Cliffs, I have acres of flowers and complete privacy. From rabbits to bears, I have all the wildlife you'd ever imagine here, with lots of stories to behold. While the complete isolation provides solace, it is also a double edge sword. Isolation can induce craziness, if not already present. I moved to this mountain top to escape society that was driving me crazy, and I built a paradise that friends and visitors marvel at. Paradise comes with a price however.
    Seven years and 2 months ago, I acquired Flop. Flop was a bassett/beagle mix that "fell into my hands" by grace of god. Flop came into my life at a time that was crucial for my survival, and he became the reason for my living. I know lots will not understand that, and that's fine, but there's a lot that would help to make it more clear, but just know, that he was my world. Other than my once or twice visits to JA, Flop went everywhere with me. Traveled to 47 states & Canada - Pacific coast 3 times - every single trip off the mountain, Flop was with me. I survived an attempted murder in Colorado during pandemic travel because of this boy - he was my hero.
    Last Wednesday, a pack of pit bulls that belong to the neighborhood meth dealer that lives over the hill about 1/4 mile away, attacked Flop right here on our property. I'm still in a state of shock. He was ripped apart, as is my whole world. The pit bulls belong to a piece of **** that just got out of prison a few years ago after molesting a toddler, but he's now the community meth dealer. I love my eastern kentucky, I love my paradise I created, and I love a lot of people and heritage of my region. But, it's time to move on. Flop is every where I look on this mountain - I can't escape his memory. And while I don't want to ever forget my boy, it's just ****in unbearable here. The only times in the last 7 years that I didn't carry him to bed wit me is when I vacationed in JA and had someone to come here and stay with him in HIS home. I've got to get off this hill.
    I am looking at opinions, thoughts, comments, and advise on moving to Negril. I realize everything is still fresh, but I feel I need to move fast.
    Please give me info on SAFE locations for housing in Negril area for purchase or long term lease. Thanks

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  2. #2

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    Re: US Citizen moving to Negril???


    We are so very sorry to hear about Flop. That is devastating, to lose your furry family member that came into your life when you needed him the most. Nothing can fill that hole in your soul. Allow yourself to morn, be sad, mad, angry and crushed. When we thought our cat of 13 years had died, I was a mess. At times I hated everything, couldn't think straight and would cry at the drop of a hat. Be kind to yourself right now.

    Becoming a permanent resident here is an offical governmental procedure. It cannot be rushed and all the necessary documentation needs to be in order. I have assisted several friends make the move so it can be done. But at this point in time, with your feelings so raw, your mind needs some time to heal so you can approach the government with the right frame of mind.

    How about get the hell out of Dodge for 3 months and come down to heal? You can also use that time to find the appropriate place you want to live, a place where you feel comfortable. We can spend a week or two exploring different options and price ranges.

    We are here to help you in any way possible.

    Hang in there man!
    Negril.com - For the vacation that never ends!

  3. #3

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    Re: US Citizen moving to Negril???

    I am soo sorry to hear all of this. The YouTube channel "Throp" run by Winthrop Wellington of Travellers Beach Resort is an invaluable resource for anyone considering moving to Jamaica. Check out the past videos and Livestreams (usually streamed on Sundays) and subscribe to be notified of upcoming videos and livestreams. Wishing you the very best.

  4. #4

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    Re: US Citizen moving to Negril???


    Sorry to hear about your dog! Hopefully the authorities will deal with the problem.

    I have never owned or rented property in Negril or Jamaica, but have been traveling to Jamaica for over 30 years. First trip in 1992. My eighth trip since April 2022 is in a few weeks.

    My suggestion would be to rent first and feel out where you might buy later.
    Renting gives you more flexibility to move around and try different locations.
    The expats that I know that live in and around Negril prefer to have properties that have bars on the windows.
    Air conditioning can be expensive due to the cost of electricity.

    I love Jamaica year round, but prefer October thru June. July, August and September can be too hot and humid for me. However, one of the benefits is the sea can be bathtub warm!

    Wishing you the very best with you future plans.

    VVHT aka Happy

  5. #5

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    Re: US Citizen moving to Negril???

    Thank you all for the kind words and suggestions. I'm still in a state of shock - I can't sleep, can't eat - I just pace the floors. I've not the radio on or listented to any music because I don't trust my emotions right now - likewise, I've not drank any alcohol like I have daily for decades. I don't trust myself right now. I do plan on coming down to Negril as soon as possible for looksee visit, but I have to get stuff lined up here first. Small town where everyone knows everyone, and I've sorta publicly called the POS out. I have to find someone to stay here while I'm gone to prevent an ash pile. Big balls are sorta required, but I do have a squad here of true friends.
    Rob, I'll be in contact with travel plans and would like to you up on your offer of exploring the various options.
    Again, thanks everyone.

    Kevin - tryin to find Irie

  6. #6

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    Re: US Citizen moving to Negril???

    Our story is quite similar to yours k4adams with the exception of the loss of your best buddy. I am so so sorry for your loss. My wife and I honeymooned the Negril in 1992. Our original plan was to vacation travel every year by going to a hot destination one year and then a ski destination the next and switch back and fourth, hot and cold every year and a different location every time. Well, our first (and last) stop was Negril. We fell in love with this place and came back here every year. 2 weeks wasn't enough so 3 weeks it was, then 2 trips of 2 weeks and so on. Well, fast forward 31 years later and we have never been to another destination ever, with the exception of a couple of cruises out of MoBay. Now retired, we sold our property in Canada and living here full time. Like what Rob said, permeant residence status is obtainable. I'm not sure if I would call it difficult, but you need to have all your ducks in a row, all T's crossed and i's dotted. All documentation must be present and in order. Maybe frustrating might be a better work, but obtainable. That little voice of reason (AKA Rob) is also right when he says come here for a few months and test it out. I might suggest coming here in the summer just to see if you can handle the heat. This summer was smokin hot here.

    Another suggestion is, in memory of your best little buddy there, spend some time volunteering at the Negril Spay and Neuter clinic. That might help with the healing process and maybe even put a smile or two on your face. It certainly worked for my dog crazy wife. The work they do there is remarkable as any long timers can tell. Remember all the stray beach dogs back in the 90's.

    As to where to live, that's a difficult question. It all depends on what your needs are. We discovered The Point Village in 1992. PV went through a dark time years ago but those days are gone and the place is fantastic. Maybe one of the best if not the best location in all of Jamaica. Again, depending on what your needs are. You can get a cottage of apartment in the West End but check it out first.

  7. #7

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    Re: US Citizen moving to Negril???

    The farther out the West End you go (towards Jackie's) the more interruptions you get with electricity and/or water service. I've heard this a number of times at the bar at LTU from people who came in because they had no power or water at home that day. Good luck in your search.

  8. #8

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    Re: US Citizen moving to Negril???

    Quote Originally Posted by ol'yardie View Post
    The farther out the West End you go (towards Jackie's) the more interruptions you get with electricity and/or water service. I've heard this a number of times at the bar at LTU from people who came in because they had no power or water at home that day. Good luck in your search.
    We aren't going to check places that regularly have no water or electricity. Heck, been living here daily for 30 years. I would never suggest such a place to anyone.

    And with security being a prime issue, the far West End isn't even on the radar for someone just moving here.
    Negril.com - For the vacation that never ends!

  9. #9

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    Re: US Citizen moving to Negril???

    Quote Originally Posted by Rob View Post
    We aren't going to check places that regularly have no water or electricity. Heck, been living here daily for 30 years. I would never suggest such a place to anyone.

    And with security being a prime issue, the far West End isn't even on the radar for someone just moving here.

    Thank You Rob -- yes, indeed -- security is main priority -- I love the idea of isolated bungalow by the cliffs, but this is not the 70's anymore. I have a flight down on 20th next week. Thanks All - perhaps we can meet up somewhere. One of my first visits is always to Tony's hut and take some some treats to Wanda - their resident master.

  10. #10

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    Re: US Citizen moving to Negril???

    Kevin....this might be of interest to you

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