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Thread: returning to Negril after more than a decade!

  1. #1

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    returning to Negril after more than a decade!

    14 years, to be exact! After going annually since college, my life changed in wild ways and I just haven't been able to make it happen. Got a wild hair to just do it, and I did. With an old doggo that I hate leaving for too long, it will be a brief but much needed visit home. I don't even remember what my screenname was on the old negril.com, but I'm pretty sure I joined in 1999

    That said? I'm finding myself anxious: 14 years is a long, long time and the changes are many, I'd wager. I'm going from being familiar with all the runnings to worrying I know nothing anymore. Luckily I'll stay in the West End at my favorite place and a bunch of friends from across the country will coincidentally be there at the same time as I will, so it will be a great mix between solo time and catching up with folks. I'm pretty loosey goosey with plans when in JA, but it's the specifics that are making me nervous. Advice is welcome please and thank you!

    Currency: It was almost the same (by a dollar or 2) to pre-order currency through my bank as it would be to use an ATM in town. Now I'm wondering if I should get more. I've always used only JMD but again, a million years ago. It's pretty unlikely I'll be eating at places where I can charge, but does it make sense to use USD these days? I was thinking about some of each, but I want to do what makes the most sense for vendors. Back in the day was possibly a different story and I'm not sure what to do.

    Airport: As it's just me, I'm not really into the expense of a driver, so I'm thinking of JUTA or JTL or the like. In my early trips, I always used JUTA, but I'm hoping to hear how things are with shared shuttles these days. Anything to consider? With such a short amount of time, I'm okay not making stops on the way to Negril or worrying about supplies like I used to with 3 week visits. Is Club MoBay worth it in either direction with the new kiosks? And how does that work when waiting for a JUTA to fill? I just don't need to spend the money if I'm not going to be able to use it any differently than just putting my head down and hitting the kiosks! Just bringing the biggest personal item and a carry on---no baggage claim for me. Filled out my C5 so I'm good to go there

    Stuff to see: For sure won't have time to get out of the West End short of hopefully Red Dragon and a beach day to see friends, but is there anything I should check out that's new-ish? I am a big walker, so I don't often use taxis...from my yard to the Westender is less than 5 miles and I do that daily haha. Not afraid of a long haul in the daytime! Absolutely planning on Pee Wee's Birthday Bash.

    I am 100% positive I have more to ask, but this is a pretty good start. Thanks for your suggestions!
    Last edited by oldschoolways; 01-23-2024 at 02:38 PM.

  2. #2

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    Re: returning to Negril after more than a decade!

    Welcome back! ‘98 for me B&Gs
    you got the right attitude
    Have a great trip!

  3. #3

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    Re: returning to Negril after more than a decade!

    I'll take a shot at your questions and I am sure others will weigh in with their opinions. I've been in Negril in December and January and will return mid-Feburary so my experiences are recent.

    Currency - I've never exchanged money at home, always do it in Jamaica. If you are lucky enough to have free ATM usage from your bank, the ATMs are the way to go as they give closest to the true rate, but if not exchanging at the Cambios, isn't a killer, just never exchange at the airport or with the guys in the roundabout in downtown Negril. On the free market you should get somewhere around 145-147 to 1 while the true rate thru the ATMs is 155. My hard and fast rule is to carry both currencies and if the place you are frequenting prices in J$ use those, if they price in US$ use those. The place determines the exchange rate and it's never close to the true rate.

    Airport - We've never used Club Mobay except once during the height of the pandemic when we had the kids with us so 4 persons and we knew the health protocols would be nuts. We arrive early typically so get out of the airport quite quickly. Best advice is sit as close to the front of the airplane as you can and walk quickly past others on the way to immigration. It just depends on when your plane arrives as to what the airport will be like. If you are that worried about it book Club Mobay as it is a very reliable service. We always take a private taxi but I have plenty of friends that use JUTA and recently as busy as things have been they have filled up quickly according to those that have used it. The airport and the traffic in general between MoBay and Negril is a crapshoot. Just drink a few Red Stripes along the way and get into the Jamaican groove and you will be good to go.

    Stuff to see - if you are out west end that is a sight in itself, a trip to the Red Dragon is always on my list and one of my first dos of any trip. Make less plans, get in the groove, let it come to you and you will be fine. If you visited Negril a long time ago things will have changed a lot, but some things will be the same. You've made a good decision to return, I truly hope you enjoy your trip.


  4. #4

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    Re: returning to Negril after more than a decade!

    I second what Monty & Melo posted!

    From 2009 to 2022, I had only one trip to Negril in 2015.
    Life got busy and didn't have time for Negril.

    Started coming back in April 2022 and returned 8 more times up to December 2023.

    Red Dragon in Red Ground is still the same, cold beer at a great price and hot jerk pork (except Sundays).

    I like chilling on the deck at Canoe and Mi Yard. Tony's Hut on the beach is also one of my favorites. Lunch at Alfred's.

    Get your Negril Groove on and enjoy!

    VVHT aka Happy

  5. #5

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    Re: returning to Negril after more than a decade!

    Looking back I was 1998 too---my first trip was my last year of college spring break and that would have been 98!

    Many thanks
    Last edited by oldschoolways; 01-24-2024 at 11:26 AM.

  6. #6

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    Re: returning to Negril after more than a decade!

    @Monty & Melo: I am definitely not planning anything but this stuff I do have folks to see and food to put in my mouth, but otherwise even with a short reach, I'll stick to my usual plan: whatever the day brings, whatever bar calls me to stop and have a beer. I wander a lot. Makes me feel better about all the food haha

    Thanks for the Club Mobay info: I was hoping to hear just this. With no checked luggage or anyone to wait for, I'd hoped there was no need! JUTA was my go to for the first couple of years before I had a steady driver, and you can't beat the price (well you can with Knudsford but I'd like to be taken to my yard!)
    Luckily or unluckily, I missed a silly cheap fare by hesitating, but after lots of searching, I realized for only $50 than I was going to pay earlier, I could be in whatever class is right before First I snagged the window seat on the right in the exact row behind first. You just reminded me of another benefit to being in the front of the plane (other than the apparently free cocktails)

    Currency: I think a mix is the best bet too. I got 149 through my bank---I would have been nailed with atm and transaction fees for both banks, so I'm kind of coming out ahead! I generally have never used USD in Jamaica, but that's because it used to be a lot more of a PITA for vendors to exchange!

    Thanks so much for all of your wisdom, it's really very appreciated!

  7. #7

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    Re: returning to Negril after more than a decade!

    Quote Originally Posted by VVHT View Post
    returned 8 more times up to December 2023.
    WOWZA. If I'm honest, this whim of a trip was because I spent my 20s and some of my 30s basically only vacationing in Jamaica because my life only allowed me to---I worked in music and was on the road a lot and frankly, Negril was comfortable. I knew it. I didn't have time to learn about someplace new I knew my first real vacation in 14 years would be Negril, but it's time for me to work on seeing more of the world while I can. I need to go back and I also feel okay with a shorty trip just to find out if it's worth it every year so I can squeeze it in!

    Love Canoe and Mi Yard and I cannot wait to be back on the porch. Have (much to my unplanned surprise) a handful of friends from all over the US who will be on the rock at the same time, so I have a great excuse for a beach day at a few different places, but thanks for the reminder about Tony's

    Thank you!

  8. #8

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    Re: returning to Negril after more than a decade!

    I don't know where you'll be on West End but three of our go-to's are Sips n Bites (brown stew chicken), 3 Dives ( jerk or grilled lobster in season) and LTU Pub (just about anything on the menu). 3 Dives and LTU both have great cliff-side views. Enjoy.

  9. #9

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    Re: returning to Negril after more than a decade!

    Sounds like you are pretty amped up for your return to Jamaica and rightly so!! By the sound of your post it seems a rather short stay so it might not give much opportunity to venture out but if for any reason you desire to see new places Treasure Beach on the South Coast a couple hour drive away has become a very mellow outpost in JA. Not to take anything away from the Cool Vibes of Negril but if seeing the rest of the world means seeing the rest of Jamaica Treasure Beach is a spot to consider too!!

  10. #10

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    Re: returning to Negril after more than a decade!

    A short trip is better than no trip. I am the king of the short trip. It keeps the soul refreshed. Eat some food, see some friends, listen to some music, soak in the sea, smell the smells, feel the sun on your skin and everything will be all right. Go listen to Terry, Clarkie and Owen at Canoe.

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