Just returned from two weeks on the West End.

This is my take on the water crisis in Negril, since December 2023 and the road and seawall conditions.
And yes this is a crisis!!!

Seastar Inn had two, three or four water trucks per day to keep the guests satisfied with running tap water and hot showers.
Big up to Chris and Francine for this considerations! The additional cost for this is unbelievable!

I took one route taxi this reach. Most people that can afford to have water delivered don't take route taxis.
My one Route Taxi experience this reach was a difficult as the passengers have been unable to maintain proper hygiene!

My standard routine was upon entering an establishment was to use the bathroom, if the faucets weren't working, I choose not to eat at this establishment. If I couldn't wash my hands, neither could the staff.

I don't know what the solution is, but something has to be done soon to prevent a major health crisis!

Additionally, the road in Mary's Bay near Mi Yard needs immediate repair. I understand it has been approved, but to allow it to deteriorate to this state is pathetic!

Also, the seawall north of Mandrake Curve has collapsed. It is nothing more than a patio wall, not a seawall. A proper wall is needed immediately to prevent the road from collapsing.

I love Negril, and will return again, but I can't believe the Government has allowed this to happen! Negril provides significant tax revenue to the Government!

VVHT aka Happy