I pretty much agree with your observations. I could be wrong but to me I see an intentional effort to starve out the Mom and Pop hotels on the beach. I think they want to make the entire beach big all inclusive type resorts and I also think the Jamaican government is in on this effort. The West End I'm not sure about , but they are definitely a casualty of this. Those of you that have hung out on the West End for some time just look at how dead it is each visit? Every trip we comment how few people we see walking the West End compared to our visits just 5 to 10 years ago. And not only that, the last few visits we have definitely noticed a lot of people our age (older) still visit but we're not seeing as many younger people around Negril? Maybe all the younger ones are at the all inclusives or maybe I'm just wrong but Negril has to attract younger crowds to thrive long term. The sections of road that VVHT is talking about are vital to residents and all travel around Negril , and have been like this for awhile now , the water crisis has been going on for years now. The lack of action by the govt has to be intentional when it goes on this long? Not sure what the answer is but I really worry that the Negril we all fell in love with 20 years ago is slowly being forced out. And I know you can point to the progress of the new Hi-Lo shopping area and the Omega hospital construction but who really thinks that was done to improve the life of the residents of Negril? What good is a govt that takes your taxes but won't provide necessities of life to it's people such as water and safe roads for all to travel? We were bitten by the Negril bug over 25 years ago so we'll continue to visit but they sure seem to be going about it an odd way if they want to attract new visitors?