I'm not sure if everyone here understands the severity of what's about to happen here on Wednesday. Hurricane Beryl may or may not have a direct hit on Jamaica at a category 2. If it doesn't hit directly the eye may pass just south of here but still cause catastrophic damage. My carpenter is up top rebuilding the deck over the driveway of the house I'm leasing. I told him all the rotten wood and wreckage from the old deck had to be gone by Tuesday. He's "no problem mon"! "When the job's done we take everything in one load" next week. I told him it has to be gone by tomorrow. All the lumber, rotten wood, nails and old railing are going to be taken away by the wind and smash into vehicles, houses and people. "No problem mon". I'm pretty sure it won't be gone by tomorrow.

This younger generation were not around when the last big one hit and don't think it's a big deal but they have no idea. Rob has be through a few including Gilbert in 1988 that was a direct hit on Jamaica. He wrote about here on Negril.com a few years ago and is a good read. The infrastructure now is a little better and the electrical grid is a little more stable, but JPS will be cutting power in advance of the storm. I'm also thinking a few roadways and bridges will be blown away.

Rob, is this a big deal?