Quote Originally Posted by Rob View Post
I hate those bright purple flashes. They kill electronics. No current or water or phone service from DIGICEL on the West End, which is really not that unusual. Other than the Nurses and doctors, I am withholding a big shout out to the others. Especially JPS. That mass of wires and pole I posted on Saturday that I took on Thursday is still there as we speak. Not a thing has changed.

Two decades ago the government was talking about burying the lines so this Idiocracy doesn't occur. Robert Ray brought that up several times during the segments I watched. This is not rocket science, but simple a cost factor item. Is it smarter to spend some money ONE TIME to bury the lines so they obviously cannot be affected by a storm, or inconvenience everyone a storm like this happens?
Hell I live in the "Best place to live in the United States". Our rental house neighborhood still has above ground power lines. We had no power for 2 weeks when Hurricane Fran came through. I don't see Jamaica getting any underground ever. One would think they would bury those lines on a tropical island to prevent, but like you said $$$$$$. Hope you get water and power back soon. I know its got to be frustrating as hell. Hang in there Rob.