There are a small but vocal group of people posting on TripAdvisor who state that they are never coming back or haven't been here for decades.

Other than being strange to be posting on TA Jamaica forums when they are not coming back, they try to use crime against tourists as their reason.

The US has reworded their previous unfortunate travel advisory to some thing closer to the truth.

From the Observer:

Jamaican officials, including the Ministry of Tourism and the Ministry of National Security, presented compelling data demonstrating the remarkably low crime rate against visitors, which stands at less than 0.01 per cent.

Furthermore, they showcased significant reductions in the overall rate of serious crimes: Jamaica recorded a seven per cent reduction in 2023 to reach its lowest overall crime rate in 23 years. Through continued diligence in 2024, the country has realised a further 14.9 per cent year-to-date decrease in serious crimes

There has been a steady effort for the Police to act with decisive actions against the perpetrators. So instead of crime against anyone in Jamaica being touted as going up, it is actually going down CONSIDERABLY. Apparently the US is taking proper notice!