Have been reading about sand fleas and other biting insects called no see ums have gotten bad.
Might have been an old article. Any truth to that
Have been reading about sand fleas and other biting insects called no see ums have gotten bad.
Might have been an old article. Any truth to that
Stop at Hi Lo in Boardwalk Village Plaza and buy the Deep Woods spray with DEET. It is worth the extra cost.
I have tried the local knock off brand at Hi lo and found it wasn't as effective as the Deep Woods brand with DEET.
No see ums are a pain in my ass, but Deep Woods with DEET works for me.
VVHT aka Happy
We always apply deet before heading to the beach at sunset. For us that’s the worst time. They don’t come out when the sand is hot. I also find it less of a problem later in the evening when the sand cools completely off.
Sand fleas populations are as they have been. A few mosquitoes on the beach in the evening now.
If you are worried about something, do something about it. If there is nothing you can do, why worry!
I used to have a huge problem with them (they absolutely love me and I used to bring down all levels of deet spray with very mixed results, always coming home with lots of bites) until I found a blog from a woman in Fl a couple of years ago for a remedy that I swear by now (I might get only a bite or 2 a trip now). I buy this essence of citronella oil and I mix it 1 part to 9 parts vegetable oil and bring it down in a spray bottle. I just spray and rub in from knees down, if I'm going to be on the beach either in the early morning or early evening, and I'm good to go!
Go Bills!
Don't forget that they also tend to come out after a rain. Like Rumlover alluded, cooling sand brings them out.
Rellim, would "some factors that contributed" be Red Stripes? That's usually they case for me in many instances. lol
HaHa, So I have been told
Yeah, I believe in the Stripes/Rum/blood sugar theory for sand flea attraction. I've walked down a beach in FL before with my girl Friend (who's not much a drinker, especially beer) and I've gotten eaten alive and they don't touch her (Ironically, mosquitos don't bother me, and she'll get bitten ... all's fair in love and war).
Go Bills!
Try Bugables citronella wristbands except wear them around your ankles NOT your wrists. We get ours on Amazon but also at Walmart. We still spray with 25% deet off or 40% repel but just lightly around lower legs , normal everywhere else, morning, evening like everybody else said. We change ours out every 4 days or so, wear them in the water no problem. We often go several trips with no bites at all or just a couple at most and they really use to bother us. Game changer.