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Thread: What happened to 3 dives

  1. #1

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    What happened to 3 dives

    Went to 3 dives. Thinks are different . Paula has been gone for a few years and we did not see her Husband whose name now I can?t remember . The grill was not on. The food was out quickly .
    Not as good as in previous visits

  2. #2

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    Re: What happened to 3 dives

    There has been a lot of that going on lately. Corner Bar AKA Seaview was my last failure. Having said that, for every disappointment several new places open up or old place come alive again.

    So no barrel jerk chicken, do they still have lobster?

    Loydie was his name. Not sure of the spelling.

  3. #3

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    Re: What happened to 3 dives

    They went downhill after they stopped waiting tables. Nothing but problems after you had to order at the counter. We went with another couple for years. Last time, we ordered, then the other couple immediately after us. We got lobster; they watched us eat it and got nothing.

  4. #4

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    Re: What happened to 3 dives

    We were really craving 3 Dives after a few years of not having it. We went and were very disappointed. We won't be back. On our most recent visit we found a few disappointments and a few new great places.

  5. #5

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    Re: What happened to 3 dives

    Quote Originally Posted by Jamakafun View Post
    We were really craving 3 Dives after a few years of not having it. We went and were very disappointed. We won't be back. On our most recent visit we found a few disappointments and a few new great places.
    Very disappointed to hear the reviews of 3 Dives . I have known the Lydie and his brothers along time. I will go by next time I?m down and talk to him and find Out wagwan.
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  6. #6

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    Re: What happened to 3 dives

    Haven't been to 3 Dives in almost 10 years!

    Below is the banner circa 2007. Can't remember which hurricane took it away!!

  7. #7

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    Re: What happened to 3 dives

    I saw somewhere that they are renting out cottages now ~

  8. #8

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    Re: What happened to 3 dives

    Cottages that were at De Bar moved there a few years ago. Man, I miss that place, Eddy and Trevor, great chicken, great vibes.

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