We are booked into Back to Africa at Negril Escape. We stayed at Treehouse & Catcha last year. Wife loved Catcha and the quite of the cliffs but the Gemini we wanted was booked and at the time did not want to pony up the extra for one of the new suites.
I just read a new review on T.A. that scared the bejezuz out of me regarding N.E. and am considering a different hotel. I see the Westender which Sweetness loved so much has Oceanside deluxe #7 available during our time frame and also the Dolphin Suite. #7 is more my price range but would consider Dolphin if it is worth it. Westender is a little further away from things than I like but it is right up the wifes alley.
Any input on these two rooms ? Looking for an ocean view with A.C. and T.V.
Any hotel other suggestions? We would be lucky to find one that meets the criteria at this late date.

Part 2 - Should I be this freaked out about the review? The conditions this reviewer described and the photos have me worried.
