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Thread: Best Burger in Negril!!!

  1. #11

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    No umbrella needed here

    Hey, you didn't rain on my parade. I eat where I want and don't really care if anyone has a problem with it. Besides, the way I look at it a lot of Jamaicans would be out of work if BK wasn't in Negril. To each their own. It does crack me up when people are so opposed to go to BK. I guess they never eat anything but their local food when at home. Oh well I guess no one should go the the Italian Cafe in Negril.

  2. #12

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    I bet the prices at Charela weren't local either - lol

  3. #13

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    I have never found any I cared for, but if you haven't had good beef, it would probably suffice, but not a steak, as it is stringy, gamey and has weird off taste. Ras, bet you paid a premium for that steak at Charela - grin.

  4. #14

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    I will put canadian beef up against any beef factory from usa, I know the rancher, and abattoir, no steroids, no over watering for added weight, just melts in your mouth. I have never had the desire for a burger in Negril, but heard seastar has a good roast beef on the buffet. Always seem to put on a few lbs when in Negil, seems to be no reason to go hungry with all the good eats. Cheers!

  5. #15

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    Respect Pineapple

    I very seldom go near any Fast food places back here in the Great White North so it would not even be on my radar in JA. Sale goes for Colonel KFC. I remember 4 or 5 yaers ago taking a JUTA bus and the driver pointing out the Burger King and saying ' We built those so the tourists would feel at home with some familiar food" until I pointed out it was all Jamaicans that were lined up in there buying Whoppers & fries.It seems to be Patrick @ Sunset told me he grinds his Beef fresh daily and then adds spice to the patty. It is too large for most people to finish at one sitting with salad or Fries in any case..!

  6. #16

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    If you haven't tried the double cheese burger at Treehouse I think they are the best. You can taste the allspice and what I think is the taste of alittle hot pepper. That with the fresh cucumber and mayo....Yummm. Plus the fries, now I'm hungry!

    I go there at least twice every trip.
    Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.
    Albert Einstein

  7. #17

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    Jamaica is not known for it's beef folks....better to eat what is locally grown & tasty.....chicken & fish, right from the sea....can't get any fresher than that. The beef in Ja. most times has to be stewed to make it tender enough for the N/ American palate....JMHO. (I have never had a burger in Negril, but this has been my experience elsewhere in Ja.)

  8. #18

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    canuk cpl said "I will put canadian beef up against any beef factory from USA".
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    Takes me back to a visit I made to a friend who lives near Camp David, Yes the same place where the President chills out. My friend makes moonshine and while there, sampling some of his stock, he grilled up two steaks, and mine was the best that I had ever tasted. When I asked him how he gets his beef to be so good and tender he replied that he leaves them on their momma till they are about 500 pounds (milk fed) then he feeds them the grain from the brewery.....THE GUY WAS MAKIN KOBE BEEF! We always remember that great steak or burger.

  9. #19

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    Take it from a meat man Patrick puts out a fine damn burger.But everything that comes out of his kitchen rocks !

  10. #20

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    Quote Originally Posted by Nick View Post
    canuk cpl said "I will put canadian beef up against any beef factory from USA".
    .................................................. .................................................. ............

    Takes me back to a visit I made to a friend who lives near Camp David, Yes the same place where the President chills out. My friend makes moonshine and while there, sampling some of his stock, he grilled up two steaks, and mine was the best that I had ever tasted. When I asked him how he gets his beef to be so good and tender he replied that he leaves them on their momma till they are about 500 pounds (milk fed) then he feeds them the grain from the brewery.....THE GUY WAS MAKIN KOBE BEEF! We always remember that great steak or burger.
    I'll put Kobe up against any beef in the world. I lived in Japan for a few years and would eat it regularly and for much cheaper then you can get here in the states. You just made my mouth water by the way. I love Kobe so much that I named my Lab Kobe. I'm a big Laker fan too and most people think she is named after Kobe Bryant. No sir, it's the decadent meat.

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