It has seemed like forever since I've been back from JA, but in reality it has been just a month... and I am finally able to start this report

I have been looking forward to writing this report to not only share with everyone the love I have for Jamaica and how I see it through my eyes, but also to re-live my two weeks of heaven. This report will probably take me a few days to get out fully so please have patience. I don't have the writing skills of some of the other amazing trip report authors on this board but none the less I hope you enjoy the journey with me.

I have traveled to Jamaica a number of times but this time was just a little sweeter for many reasons. To fully understand the reasons for the additional 'sweetness' I have to give you a bit of background on how I ended up on the plane on Dec 27th, 2011.... on my way to Negril with some of my best friends.

I know we have a few single parents on this board so they will appreciate when you are the only parent and your little ones begin to grow up you have to find different ways to spend your time and energy. 7 years ago, after my son left for college and my daughter was on his heels to leave home to go to college the following year, I decided to cope with the empty nest syndrome by applying to university to get my degree in social work. It was a way to start to focus on me as my children were leaving the proverbial nest.

During the past seven years both of my children have started and graduated from their post secondary education; both landed good jobs in their fields of study; they have both left home, moved back home again and then left again; I have bought and sold two houses; worked full time and got two promotions at work; I received a wonderful new title of Grandma to a beautiful baby girl; traveled to Jamaica as much as possible to keep my sanity... all the while I was plugging away at my degree.

Last year I started to double up on my classes and by August (after doing almost full time school and full time work) my mind started to turn to what I was going to do in December when I finished finally! Three of us girls go down every year for our annual week of debauchery and we couldn't wait to try two weeks... and we were also adding one more friend to the mix. After getting through the initial challenges of meet everyone needs for a trip (one girl had limited dates she could travel, two wanted all inclusive, two had very limited budgets, and I wanted to be on the beach and for two weeks).... however, we did it, in August I found a great deal for Fun Holiday for two weeks on the beach and all inclusive, within the dates! Jackpot! We booked it!

Working full-time and school part time didn't leave much time for other things but Jamaica was never far from my mind. I had managed to squeeze out three other trips to Jamaica last year but always seemed to be juggling a million things while I was there. So this trip was different, I was leaving with light and easy feeling......

A small sample of my text from last year... (minus the 'How to be a Canadian"... I didn't have learn how do that )

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